Monday, February 17, 2014

Wormy's World - Characters - The Dwarves - #11

Wormy's World - Characters - The Dwarves - #11

The Dwarves

The group of drunken dwarves has come to demand (in song) their bowling balls back from Wormy (all 22 of them). Wormy challenges them to a riddle contest to which they readily agree, but when they can't answer him it turns out to be stomping time.


  1. Bah! That's no falchion! However, many of the swords in Wormy's world ARE falchions (see the goblin/hobgoblin fight scene on Wormy's kitchen table). Trampier's does not seem to share the Gygaxian fetishism for exacting weapon nomenclature.

  2. Even for a dwarf that looks like a shortsword.


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