Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wormy's World - Characters - Dudly - #12

Wormy's World - Characters - Dudly - #12


Dudly and his pal Frank are out near Wormy's cave and spy him in the distance. Dudly thinks he might doing the frug or putting out a brush fire. As Wormy gets closer they both decide to head to an escarpment and peer down. Instead of an Apple-eptic fit Wormy was really dealing with some drunken dwarves and chasing down the last of the rockeaters as they watch. Dudly rolls in laughter at his buddy who was sure Wormy was having a seizure and Frank tells him to shut-up.


  1. In the second to last panel, we see Dudly so surprised that his eyebrows leave his face. In a later issue, we will see Dudly have to stop and literally pick his eyebrows up off the ground.

    Tramp's attention to detail really rewards careful study. Even a throwaway visual gag or seemingly random reference may have a link to something that occurs later in the story. Everything is tied together.

  2. I never heard of the frug (pronounced "froog," evidently) before reading this strip.

  3. I may have heard it one of those beach party movies. It sounds somewhat familiar.


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