Friday, December 13, 2019
NPC - Bohdan Opensky Chief of Wardogs Rovers of the Barrens
NPC - Bohdan Opensky Chief of Wardogs Rovers of the Barrens
The Bespled Uday as the Rover's call themselves have never seen a less tenacious leader than Bohdan Vedkrenbo (Opensky in the common tongue) leader of the Boyvasodak (Wardogs). Though great were their losses after the Battle of the Opicm they have proven to still be a formidable force. Too many are old warrior men and women brought back to the lance and bow and too many are young women and men who have just earned their first sword of adulthood with no enemy blood having slicked their blades.
Bohdan is young to be not only a chief but the Ataman of the Standards, the bloody red flag, but his elders died at Opicm as did the greater number of the Rover host. He is not a tall man, or big across the shoulders and chest as some Rovers, but he is like a spring made of steel and as wild and strong as a tiger in combat. He loves humor and he is most often smiling and laughing. His people adore him. Under his leadership the Rovers have pulled back to their most secure hunting grounds. He has vowed that the Rovers will gather strength again and if not in his lifetime then with some future generation they will have vengeance upon this incarnation of the Horned Society and upon its traitor founder, the Rover Shaman-Chief Toszar Khan.
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Nice! I'm not the only one to think the Rovers need some Cossack flavoring.