Monday, December 23, 2019
Demi- Human, Human & Humanoid Population By Race And Type Part 3
Demi- Human, Human & Humanoid Population By Race And Type Part 3
- Adri Forest - Few
- Almor - Few
- Amedio Jungle - Possible
- Bandit Kingdom - Many
- Bissel - Some
- Blackmoor - Considerable Numbers
- Blemu Hills - Kobold, Goblin, Orcs
- Bluff Hills - Ogres
- Bone March - Many (Gnolls, Ogres, Orcs)
- Bright Desert - Doubtful
- Celene - None
- Corusk Mountains - Bands
- Crystalmist Mountains - Giants, Ogres, Tribes
- Drachensgrab (Mountains) - Orcs, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Ogres, Ogre Magi
- Drachensgrab Hills - Hordes
- Dreadwood - Some
- Dyvers - Few
- Ekbir - Few
- Frost Barbarians - Some
- Furyondy - Doubtful
- Gamboge Forest - Some
- Geoff - Some (Ogres, Giants)
- Gnarley Forest - Some
- Gran March - Few
- Grandwood Forest - Some
- Great Kingdom - Some
- Greyhawk, City - Some
- Hellfurnaces - Fire Giants,
- Highfolk - None
- Hool Marshes -
- Horned Society - Hobgoblins (12,000+),Others
- Ice Barbarians - Likely (In Mountains)
- Idee - Doubtful
- Irongate - None
- Iuz - Many, Goblins, Orcs, Hobgoblins
- Jotens - Numerous (Hill Giants, Few (Stone Giants,Cloud Giants)
- Keoland - Doubtful
- Ket - Few
- Lordship of the Isles - Doubtful
- Medegia - Some
- North Province - Some
- Nyrond - Few
- Onnwal - None
- Pale, Theocracy of the - Few
- Perrenland - Some
- Plains of the Paynims - Doubtful but Possible
- Pomarj - Orcs (15,000), Goblins (10,000), Others
- Rakers - Infested
- Ratik - Many
- Rel Astra - Very Few, Orcs
- Rieuwood - ?
- Riftcanyon - ?
- Rovers of the Barrens - Numerous
- Rushmoor - Bands
- Scarlet Brotherhood - Highly Probable
- Sea Barons - Few
- Sea Princes - Probable
- Shield Lands - Few
- Snow Barbarians - Many (in Mountains)
- South Province - Few
- Spindrift Isle - Many Orcs & Kobolds (Lendore Isle)
- Spine Ridge - Numerous
- Sterich - Some (In Mountains)
- Stonefist, Hold of - Some
- Sunndi - Some (See Vast Swamp)
- Suss Forest - Many (Kobolds, Orcs, Gnolls)
- Tenh - Numerous (in Mountains)
- Tiger Nomads (Chakyik) - Few
- Tors - Many
- Troll Fens - Trolls (in Numbers)
- Tusmit - Few
- Ulek (County) - None
- Ulek (Duchy) - Doubtful
- Ulek (Principality) - Doubtful
- Ull - Some (in Mountains)
- Urnst (County) - Few
- Urnst (Duchy) - Few
- Valley of the Mage - Unknown
- Vast Swamp - ?
- Veluna - Few
- Verbobonc - Few
- Vesve Forest - Hobgoblins (5,000+), Gnolls (3,000+)
- Welkwood - Some (raiding parties)
- Wild Coast - Many
- Wolf Nomads (Wegwiur) - Few
- Yatil Mountains - Numerous
- Yeomanry - Few, (Many in Mountains)
- Zeif - Doubtful
- Corusk Mountains -
- Rushmoor -
Considerable Numbers
- Blackmoor -
- Bright Desert -
- Furyondy -
- Idee -
- Keoland -
- Lordship of the Isles -
- Plains of the Paynims - Doubtful but Possible
- Ulek (Duchy)
- Ulek (Principality)
- Zeif -
- Adri Forest -
- Almor -
- Dyvers -
- Ekbir -
- Gran March -
- Ket -
- Nyrond -
- Pale, Theocracy of the -
- Rel Astra - Very Few
- Sea Barons -
- Shield Lands -
- South Province -
- Tiger Nomads (Chakyik) -
- Tusmit -
- Urnst (County)
- Urnst (Duchy)
- Veluna -
- Verbobonc -
- Wolf Nomads (Wegwiur) -
- Yeomanry -
- Drachensgrab Hills -
- Rakers -
- Ice Barbarians - (In Mountains)
- Bandit Kingdom -
- Bone March - (Gnolls, Ogres, Orcs)
- Iuz - Many (Goblins, Orcs, Hobgoblins)
- Ratik -
- Snow Barbarians - (in Mountains)
- Spindrift Isle - Orcs & Kobolds (Lendore Isle)
- Suss Forest - (Kobolds, Orcs, Gnolls)
- Tors -
- Wild Coast -
- Yeomanry - (in Mountains)
- Celene -
- Highfolk -
- Irongate -
- Onnwal -
- Ulek (County)
- Jotens - (Hill Giants, Few (Stone Giants,Cloud Giants)
- Rovers of the Barrens -
- Spine Ridge -
- Tenh - (in Mountains)
- Yatil Mountains -
- Amedio Jungle -
- Scarlet Brotherhood - Highly
- Sea Princes -
- Bissel -
- Dreadwood -
- Frost Barbarians -
- Gamboge Forest -
- Geoff - (Ogres, Giants)
- Gnarley Forest -
- Grandwood Forest -
- Great Kingdom -
- Greyhawk, City -
- Medegia -
- North Province -
- Perrenland -
- Sterich - (In Mountains)
- Stonefist, Hold of -
- Sunndi - (See Vast Swamp)
- Ull - (in Mountains)
- Welkwood - (raiding parties)
- Valley of the Mage -
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