Sunday, March 17, 2019

Collaberative Projects.

Collaberative Projects.

Is anyone interested in starting a project we can work on as a group?


  1. Jason---

    We talked a bit about some potential collaborative projects during our "Celebrating Greyhawk: A Fandom Renaissance" seminar at GaryCon XI last week. Some that came up include:

    - the DF "Mapping the Depths of the Earth" project @ (now mostly done)
    - the Greyhawk Wiki @
    - picking up your Index Greyhawkiana to bring it up-to-date since August 2003

    The possibilities are pretty endless, in general. Anything in particular jumping out at you, in terms of targets of collaborative opportunity?


  2. Id love to see the index updated but my eyesight is pretty bad so Im not sure I could do that kind of work anymore. The mapping the depths of the oerth I will have to check out. Back in my first campaign when zi played through the D series the DM did a huge amount of work detailing the blank spaces on that map

  3. Just listening in for what kind of collaborative project ideas you have.

  4. I was working on specific encounters for my Night Below/TOEE campaign and it got me to thinking about several things to do and compile. A random encounter table for areas all over the flanaess; general, specifc or highly detailed. Encounters in the UnderOerth, filling out numerous small spaces down there, a listing of goods and sale prices city by city, a more detailed listing of resources, a listing of what is being sold and traded in cities, nations, regions and what is being sent, shipped, and wagonned from part of the Flanaess to the other, etc...


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