Thursday, January 2, 2020

NPC/Deity - Sutek the Destroyer

NPC/Deity  - Sutek the Destroyer

Sutek was an ancient Bakluni deity of death, oblivion and destruction. He was trapped in limbo by his brother and sister deities managing to wreck havok on the Baklunish pantheon before he was trapped in a limbo-prison between the prime and negative material planes. 

After the Invoked Devastation some of the wards to his prison were damaged and his malign influence began to seep out. The Bakluni have always had a strong connection with death and this helped to lead to a rediscovery of Sutek and the rise of necromacers and his cult. It is rumored that an ancient Necropolus has been discovered in the Dry Steppes and  is the heart of a growing necromantic controlled army. What connection this actually has with the Prison of Sutek is unknown.

Recently the release of Zuggtmoy from the Temple of Elemental Evil triggered a sympathetic fracture in the prison wards of Sutek and the power of his clerics has never been greater. They are a rising threat among the Baklunish states and a contingent of priests, cultists and necromancers are headed toward Verbobonc to investigate the Temple and any links to Sutek's wards.

The priests of Sutek are unable to heal, but have many necromantic powers. Their bodies will continue to function past their physical death and do not suffer natural rot or corruption but they do dry out and become stiff and brittle or if submerged become bloated with liquid. Once slain the priests will continue to function for weeks before finally releasing their spirits to the Prison of Sutek where they will serve him for eternity.

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