Saturday, January 4, 2020

Languages of Oerthly Magic - Protection From Evil

Languages of Oerthly Magic - Protection From Evil

20). Protection From Evil

Amedian - Ulenze Na Uva (Ul-En-Ze Na U-Va)

Bakluni (Ancient) - Zerrendan Koruemazi (Zer-Ren-Dan Ko-Ru-Ma-Zi)

Drow - Vedalmate Nuat A Ganae (Ve-Dal-Mat Nu-At A Ga-Na)

Dwarven - Bezkieteleze Mod Deat Ondae (Bez-Ki-Tel-Ze Mod Det On-Da)

Elven - Soja Pahalta (So-Ja Pa-Hal-Ta)

Flan - Kozaent O Olke (Ko-Za-Ent O Olk)

Fruz - Vearnde Frae Ola Elae (Ve-Arnd Fra Ol-A El-A)

Giantish - Zaete Vor Dam Bozane (Za-Et Vor Dam Bo-Zan)

Gnomish - Bezkermane Tagane Haet Kaed (Bez-Ker-Man Ta-Gan Ha-Et Ka-Ed)

Oeridian - Zazaketa Ote Za (Za-Zak-Ta Ot Za)

Olman - Taea Palakappa (Ta-A Pa-La-Kap-Pa)

Suel - Praezedum A Malam (Pra-Ez-Ed-Um A Mal-Am)

I think Ive worked out my language equivalents if anyone wants to work up some of these for themselves. 

Amedian - Swahili
Bakluni (Ancient) - Turkish
Drow - Magyar
Dwarven - Danish
Elven - Finnish
Flan - Irish
Fruz - Icelandic
Giantish - German
Gnomish - Dutch
Oeridian - Russian
Olman - Tamil
Suel - Latin

These are just the base for the very slightly altered languages. It helps me a great deal in fiction but it is also helpful DMing and adds a good reason to have a comprehend languages spell on hand. I chose them with a few ideas in mind. The Suel always remind me of ancient Rome so Latin. The giants, dwarves, fruz, and gnomes always feel linked to me. Elves and Drow should have some link but strained over the centuries that have separated them so Finnish and Magyar.

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