Wednesday, January 29, 2020

NPC - Sassa Dragonshield Fruzti Warrior

NPC - Sassa Dragonshield Fruzti Warrior

Sassa is known as the Shield of Sylvi and is a distant cousin who lives near to her among those of the Sarjar tribe. Currently she is with Sylvi on the Styrkarsarjar and is one of the thirty taking captured orc boats to shore to explore the orc's island and gather supplies.

The fight was quick and the orcs easily defeated by the experienced crew of the Styrkarsarjar but the huge war leader managed to bloody Sassa in the fight.

She is a stouty warrior, expert in the sword and shield and bears a legendary shield that is passed down in her family. The Dragonshield grants immunity to the breath of dragons but against more mundane adversaries it enhances her protection even more than her chain shirt and ringed leather. It is said that no arrow will wound her while she bears her shield. Added to the shield is her belt that give her the strength of an ogre and it said only those of exceptional strength may bear the Dragonshield.

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