Wednesday, March 18, 2020

NPC - Yermak Vedkrenbo of the Boyvasadok - Rover Hero

NPC - Yermak Vedkrenbo of the Boyvasadok - Rover Hero

After the disastrous defeat at the Battle of the Opicum the Bespled Uday (Rovers in common) tribes withdrew to their furthest and most secure hunting grounds. While the adult population of the tribe was whittled down there remained the very old, the young and pregnant or nursing mothers. Each year more of the young ascend to adulthood and Bhodan Vedkrenbo Chief of the Boyvasadoks (Wardogs) and leader of all Rover tribes has ordered the tribes to draw back to safety and breed more kindred to replace their losses.

Yermak (Bhodan's younger brother) is troublesome and ignores his brother's. He and a small band of Rovers still raid, especially against the Horned Society but there aren't more than 50 adults and 50 or so young men of age fourteen or younger (adulthood is proven among the Rovers by passing challenges rather than just passing time so the age of adulthood varies).

He is an expert horseman and archer. His bow is called the Demonbow and is carved from the bones of a demon killed by a Rover ancestor of the Vedkrenbo clan. It is an intelligent and powerful and changes any shaft fired from it into a flaming bolt of bone with a point of some Hellish metal that is particularly lethal to creatures from the more dark and nefarious planes. To oerthly creatures its arrows can strike and creature needing an enchanted weapon to hit it and is useful in piercing armor. One of these bolts can cause fire damage and excruciating pain which can stun a person or creature for a few moments when struck except for those who can summon the requisite fortitude to overcome such pain.

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