Sunday, March 15, 2020

NPC - Nergui Paynim Mercenary

NPC -  Nergui Paynim Mercenary

The rulers of Ket have supplemented their cavalry forces with Paynim for centuries and the light horse-archers have proven well worth their cost. Lightly armored they depend on their mobility and their skill with their short but powerful bows to keep them at a distance for heavily armored foes or large or numerous creatures. They are also adept with their curved sabers and many are skilled with the lasso and weighted rope.

Nergui is the leader of a small band of horsemen recently arrived from the Dry Steppes. His band of fifty horsemen has been sent to the borderland with Bissel due to a series of raids from tribes of mountain Hobgoblins. This is his first experience of lands more civilized than Ull and he is a bit awe-struck by what he has seen of Lopolla.

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