Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Historical - Vedorox of the Vollie Defeats Suel General Suvenus 206 O.R.

Historical - Vedorox of the Vollie Defeats Suel General Suvenus 206 O.R.

In 187 O.R. The migrations of the Oeridian Tribes had cut their way deep into the Flanaess. Only eleven years later in 198 O.R. the Suel began their own conquest of the Flanish lands. It was inevitable that the two would clash. Everything pointed toward the Suel as the potential victors in any conflict, but Vedorox proved that Oeridian courage and ferocity was too much for the well-trained yet understrength Imperial Troops in the vanguard of the Suel migrating population.

In 206 O.R. in the land that would become Voll and later Veluna Oeridian met Suel in combat. This victory sent the advancing arm of Suel migrants under the command of Imperial General Suvenus into flight toward the South and the main arm of Suel forces. Suvenus himself died in combat, The Imperial Troops were decimated and the settlers with only the small rear-guard of Suvenus' army fled South.

It is said the mighty wizardry of the Suel was countered by the ancient western artifact called the Sufang Flying Pig-Fish. Vedorox won this in a raid against the Baklunish deep in what is now the Dry Steppes, but was then a land of lush growth and green fields.

The Battle of Voll was merciless, The Flying Pig-Fish ate the souls of six Suel wizards while Vedorox killed Suvenus in single combat and broke the shield wall of the Imperial Troops. None were spared though many surrendered. 

The land of Voll was formed and Vedorox crowned its first king.
The Flying Pig-Fish was lost, no mention is made again in the records of the Vollish people and has not been seen since.

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