Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Cities of Greyhawk - Verbobonc Part 4 The Guilds Part 2
Cities of Greyhawk - Verbobonc Part 4 The Guilds Part 2
Painters, Spacklers & Sculptors Society - This mid-sized guild related to the Builder's Association has grown recently with the expansion of the towns around the city and improvements to buildings within the city itself. There is also a Society of Art and some of the sculptors have dual membership, but it is a much smaller Guild. Verbobonc was a very practical garrison and mercantile city but in the last two years a good deal of trade has come up and down the river and from the mines in the Kron Hills leading to a rise in the genral wealth and fortune of the citizens. The rather plain and functioning work of the sculptors has lead to a more artistic (and expensive) series of works among the wealthy merchants. This guild controls one tower along the north wall next to those controlled by the Builders Association.
Society of Art - A very small guild with an old mansion for its meeting hall. It is near the center of the city where the newer mansions of the wealthy have risen. They control no towers and even their apprentice membership does not belong to the city Militia. One of their senior members is a young Wizard, but reasonably powerful. He specializes in the creation of Golems and is a trained sculptor.
The Mapmakers Guild - Another relatively small guild. Their apprentice members are part of the City Militia but they do not control a tower. There hall is both meeting place and archive with workshops attached. It is located near the Mercenaries Guild and sees much commerce from the adventurous members. The Viscount has several members of the Mapmakers Guild on his staff.
The Bakers, Brewers and Cooks Union - This is a large guild which mans two of the towers along the north wall. The Brewers are mainly dwarves and they have grwon in number in recent years. Verbobonc Stout has become a popular brand and a Dwarven Ale and Whiskey are both decent sellers locally and up and down the river. The number of Inns and taverns has been fixed at 21 within the city but there is a boom in the nearby towns and at many of the crossroads around the city. Lately the Ragged King has been charging a tithe on any spirits that leave the city and the brewers are ready to hire mercenaries to hunt him down since the Viscount seems unable to stop him.
The Taverner amd Innkeeper Circle - This is a group of the 21 Inn and Tavern owners of Verbobonc. The Viscount's law only allows for these 21 which causes most guild halls to function as taverns and guilds for their members, families and associates. Each in is responsible for providing food and drink to each of the guild controlled taverns but they man no towers themselves. Their employees are exempt from serving in te City Militia but are responsible for keep order within their own premises. Each tavern or inn commands a small force of thugs, bouncers and barmen to deal with trouble.
The Carter and Driver Guild - Is a large guild linked to the Dockworkers Union. Most carted goods are headed toward the docks or away from them. They control one tower near the citadel where the largest stables are, both the Viscount's military stables and the large private stables near the Mill Gate. This guild has many members of the secret Thieves Guild but the Guild Master is kept unaware of this.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Cities of Greyhawk - Verbobonc Part 3 The Guilds Part1
Cities of Greyhawk - Verbobonc Part 3 The Guilds Part1
Verbobonc - The Guilds
As with most cities in the Flanaess the Guilds are important factor in the running of the city. In Verbobonc they also provide the manpower to patrol the walls and towers. The city has few gates and many towers. While the guardsmen watch the gates, guildsmen man the towers and the corresponding areas of the town by these towers is the headquarters of each guild.
From the largest to the smallest each Guild in Verbobonc has its own hall. It is unsurprising that the Dockworkers Union is the largest Guild in Verbobonc and their members man the three towers adjacent to the docks Goldsmith and Jewlers Guild is both the weathliest and smallest Guild and does not man any towers though its younger members still belong to the city Militia.
The Guilds of Verbobonc
The Alchemist Society - This is a small guild only its younger members train with the militia. Non-clerical healers also belong to this guild and there is a good deal of herb and nature lore combined with more magical brewinhg of potions and elixirs. Both Druids and Magic-Users are members. It has a hall the size of a large house near the southern gate (called the Mill Gate). Many of the guild members dwell in small villages or secluded dwellings beyond the city.
Builders Association - Nearly the size of the Dockworkers Union. They man the two northernmost towers and the tower facing the river above the wetsern gate (Called The Dock Gate). Engineers, Carpenters, Masons, and such belong to this Guild. With the growth in the city and viscounty after the defeat of the Temple of Elemental Evil this Guild is growing in size and importance as well. A large number of their memberships is busy constructing the fortification in the Village of Hommlet as well as rebuilding the town of Nulb. A small retinue is also at work rebuilding a small fortification called the Moat House for a band of adventurers.
The Dockworkers Union - The largest Guild in the city. They are the only Guild to maintain a watch beyond the walls. Their members patrol the docks day and night as well as man the walls and towers overlooking the docks. The Guards man the Dock Gate. They maintain a large Hall and Guild members and their families live in the area near the Docks inside the walls. While there is no official Thieves Guild in Verbobonc the Dockworkers Union is the unofficial yet very real Thieves Guild in the city. The Viscount is aware of this and it is up to the Dockworkers to maintain order and discipline among the city Thieves and punish unlicensed Thieves. Begging is not permitted in Verbobonc and a war of sorts is being waged by a vagabond called the Ragged King along the highways of the Viscounty.
The Mercenaries Guild - The Guild size varies. It maintains a hall and barracks large enough to accomindate 100 with a large stable as well as a smithy and armory. Adventurers, hirelings, men-at-arms, caravan guards, even minor magicians and expert treasure finders (thieves) belong to this guild. Its is 25 gold to join and 10 gold for a months membership after joining which provides a stable for a mount and one meal for member and member's horse per day for 1 month. Guildmembers are not under the command of the Militia but act as Auxiliaries for the Guard in case of emergency. They man no towers and are not entirely trusted by the Viscount. There is no official Assassins Guild in Verbobonc but the Mercenaries Guild has a contact from the City of Greyhawk guild and contracts can be taken through her if the correct paswords are known.
Weaponsmith & Armorers Guild - This is a surprisingly large Guild. They man the west towers below the west gate (Called The Gnome Gate) one of which is a large corner tower. Their hall is near this section of wall but they have small smithies and armories near each gate at the Guard barracks and in the Citadel itself.
End Part 1
Verbobonc - The Guilds
As with most cities in the Flanaess the Guilds are important factor in the running of the city. In Verbobonc they also provide the manpower to patrol the walls and towers. The city has few gates and many towers. While the guardsmen watch the gates, guildsmen man the towers and the corresponding areas of the town by these towers is the headquarters of each guild.
From the largest to the smallest each Guild in Verbobonc has its own hall. It is unsurprising that the Dockworkers Union is the largest Guild in Verbobonc and their members man the three towers adjacent to the docks Goldsmith and Jewlers Guild is both the weathliest and smallest Guild and does not man any towers though its younger members still belong to the city Militia.
The Guilds of Verbobonc
The Alchemist Society - This is a small guild only its younger members train with the militia. Non-clerical healers also belong to this guild and there is a good deal of herb and nature lore combined with more magical brewinhg of potions and elixirs. Both Druids and Magic-Users are members. It has a hall the size of a large house near the southern gate (called the Mill Gate). Many of the guild members dwell in small villages or secluded dwellings beyond the city.
Builders Association - Nearly the size of the Dockworkers Union. They man the two northernmost towers and the tower facing the river above the wetsern gate (Called The Dock Gate). Engineers, Carpenters, Masons, and such belong to this Guild. With the growth in the city and viscounty after the defeat of the Temple of Elemental Evil this Guild is growing in size and importance as well. A large number of their memberships is busy constructing the fortification in the Village of Hommlet as well as rebuilding the town of Nulb. A small retinue is also at work rebuilding a small fortification called the Moat House for a band of adventurers.
The Dockworkers Union - The largest Guild in the city. They are the only Guild to maintain a watch beyond the walls. Their members patrol the docks day and night as well as man the walls and towers overlooking the docks. The Guards man the Dock Gate. They maintain a large Hall and Guild members and their families live in the area near the Docks inside the walls. While there is no official Thieves Guild in Verbobonc the Dockworkers Union is the unofficial yet very real Thieves Guild in the city. The Viscount is aware of this and it is up to the Dockworkers to maintain order and discipline among the city Thieves and punish unlicensed Thieves. Begging is not permitted in Verbobonc and a war of sorts is being waged by a vagabond called the Ragged King along the highways of the Viscounty.
The Mercenaries Guild - The Guild size varies. It maintains a hall and barracks large enough to accomindate 100 with a large stable as well as a smithy and armory. Adventurers, hirelings, men-at-arms, caravan guards, even minor magicians and expert treasure finders (thieves) belong to this guild. Its is 25 gold to join and 10 gold for a months membership after joining which provides a stable for a mount and one meal for member and member's horse per day for 1 month. Guildmembers are not under the command of the Militia but act as Auxiliaries for the Guard in case of emergency. They man no towers and are not entirely trusted by the Viscount. There is no official Assassins Guild in Verbobonc but the Mercenaries Guild has a contact from the City of Greyhawk guild and contracts can be taken through her if the correct paswords are known.
Weaponsmith & Armorers Guild - This is a surprisingly large Guild. They man the west towers below the west gate (Called The Gnome Gate) one of which is a large corner tower. Their hall is near this section of wall but they have small smithies and armories near each gate at the Guard barracks and in the Citadel itself.
End Part 1
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