1) Single story 20x30 home with cellar and attic.
A common building often found in the:
Beggar's Quarter
Brewer's Quarter
Carftsman's Ward
Foreign Quarter
Labor Quarter
Low Quarter
River Quarter
It is less commonly found in the:
Garden Quarter
The Shacks
The Strip
Thieves Quarter
Trade Areas
University Area
It is rarely found in the:
The Halls
High Quarter
Plaza D'Haut
As with most homes found in the city:
The cellar is normally a dirt floor whose walls are constructed of stone slabs or boulders. Two wooden support beams help to hold up the wooden floor of the first level. This is typically used as a storage place for food (jars of preserved fruits and vegetables, meats, herbs, etc...), beverages, normally kegs or barrels of ale or beer, sometimes smaller barrels or bottles of stronger drink. These cellars are normally dank and musty, mice are common, but rats can be found (more likely to be encountered in the Beggar's Quarter, River Quarter, Hutsham, Slums, The Shacks & The Thieve's Quarter).
In some areas, most notably in Old City Quarters, as well as the High Quarter, Trade Areas and the River Quarter, these cellars will be floored with stone and access to the sewer system beneath the city is common through grates or metal-lidded passages.
The First Floor:
Stone is easy to come by in the City of Greyhawk so most dwellings have either their first story walls constructed of stone, or of stone halfway up (three or four feet) and then wood.
Exterior doors are stout, often studded with iron nails or banded in bronze or iron in the Plaza D'Haut, Thieve's Quarter, River Quarter, Hutsham & The Shacks. These doors will often have a simple iron lock, and all will have staples and a bar ready to be dropped in place on the inside.
In the Beggar's Quarter and the Slums doors are commonly found broken or in disrepair. Most have a set of iron staples so that the door can be barred from the inside, but, for the most part, doors will have a simple wooden latch (in these quarters anything as valuable as a lock will most often have been pried or cut from an unprotected door.
In all other quarters exterior doors are stout, and capable of being barred from within but normally do not have locks.
First floor windows do not normally contain glass. In the Plaza D'Haut, Thieve's Quarter, River Quarter, Hutsham & The Shacks iron bars are often found. A double set of shutters is often in place, both capable of being bolted or barred from within.
In all other quarters first floor windows normally have a single set of shutters capable of being barred from within. In both the Beggar's Quarter and the Slums shutters are often missing or broken, with boards nailed into place over the empty window-frame.
First floor interiors normally consist of a single 10x15 bedroom. The rest of the first floor is a small area set around the fireplace with perhaps a cabinet for food, a stone sink, water-barrel, small table and chairs. There is a back door immediately across from the front in most dwelling with cellar stairs to onside and attic stairs to the other. Ceilings tend to be six to ten feet.
Second Story
Second stories are wood construction. In areas where the first floor windows are barred, so too are attic windows. There will also be shutters, normally a single set capable of being barred, latched or bolted from within. Even in the Beggar's and Slum Quarters these shutters are often found intact.
The two upstairs rooms are often bedrooms, but sometime used for storage. A trapdoor and ladder allow access to the roof and the area around the chimney stack often has a table or work-bench.
The roof is wooden with curved brickwork tiles. A gutter runs along the edges front and back. In the Beggar's Quarter and the Slums these roof tiles are often missing and the roof sagging or warped.
The Exterior
The back of most homes has an outhouse with a honey-pot and a shed containing gardening equipment (most tools of any value are kept indoors). The fence is most frequently made of wooden boards.
Most Greyhawkers grow food in their small plots of land. Larger areas will likely have a few hens and henhouse, goats or a pig or two.
At each corner of the house a gutter runs down to a water-barrel. Plumbing or wells are rarely, if ever, found in these dwellings.
These homes are inhabited, for the most part, by small families of two parents, three to five children and a grandparent or great uncle/aunt. These are dwellings of peasants and commoners who have some form of employment.
In Hutsham and The Shacks these dwellings are often in good repair and occupied by the more well-to-do of the down-and-out of Greyhawk. They are sometimes used as guardposts, or homes of overseers and minor bosses.
There are likely to be found 2-5 1st Level Fighters or Thieves with a 2nd level Fighter or Thief in charge.
Walls surrounding these dwellings in Hutsham and The Shacks will be 8 to 10 feet high of stone with broken glass or spikes on top, or tree-boles with spiked tops. A door or gate in the back fence is likely. Yards may contain a shack or shed with 2-4 0-level servants living within.
Goand [NPC]
WGR1 - 43
Goap (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Gobayuiks Undertakers (City of Greyhawk)[SHP]
LGJ#2 - 5
Goblin [MON]
DUN#95 - 60
LOG - 8
Goblin Tooth Inn (Rauxes)[INN]
WG8 - 71
Goblin War [BTL]
DRG#253 - 45
Goblinwater River (Goblinswater)[RVR]
RKB - IC,12,22,47
Godakin Keep [CTL]
LGJ#1 - 13,33
Goddess Blush [CAL]
TSB - 81
Godeep, Hosue of (Drow)[CLN]
D3 - 14,17,18
DG - 78,79,80
DRG#298 - 74,84,85
GDQ - 4,52,80,86,87
Godsday [CAL]
COG:GOTF - 47,63,65,66,75,79,85,90
DRG#263 - 47,49
DRG#264 - 49
DUN#73 - 64,65,66
FAT - 13
LGG - 2
LGJ#2 - 8
LGJ#4 - 4
LOG - 15,16
NA - 375
PGTG - 14,15
POLY#129 - 39
SLV - 56,101,108
SOOC - 72
T1-4 - 18
TAB - 39,40,42-44,46,47,71,88,89,92,103,110,113,119
WG8 - 66
WGA1 - 11,20
WGA2 - 6
WGA3 - 7
WGG - 4
WOGA - 5
Goerdyn [NPC]
RTOH - 96
SEE Kuo-Toa
Gol-Daer [PLC]
LOG - 48
Golbi (Hammer)[ITM]
DRG#88 - 9,10
DRG#241 - 40
DRG#294 - 93
DRG#299 - 102
LGG - 171
Gold (Dame)[NPC]
A1-4 - 2,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,20,27,28,46,55,90,102,104,121,125
Gold Admiral (gp)[COIN]
LGG - 100
Gold Baron (gp)[COIN]
LGG - 99
Gold County [PRV]
DRG#271 - 74
LGG - 46
LGJ#2 - 28
LGJ#3 - 27
SLV - 6
WGR4 - 1,5,8,13,29,31,32,33,37,40,41,44,46
Gold Digger Tavern (City of Greyhawk)[INN]
COG:FFF - 74
LGJ#2 - 5
TAB - 119
Gold Dragon Inn (City of Greyhawk)[INN]
LGJ#2 - 5
PGTG - 32
TAB - 90,91
Gold Duke (gp)[COIN]
LGG - 124
Gold Falcon [ITM]
TSC - 37
Gold Glory (gp)[COIN]
LGG - 80
Gold Scales [ORG]
SLV - 110,112,113,115
Gold Skull (gp)[COIN]
LGG - 58
Gold Wheatsheaf (Dyvers)[COIN]
SLV - 8
Goldan (Private)[NPC]
DUN#85 - 83
Goldbolt [CTL]
LGJ#3 - 9
Goldchasm [PLC]
DRG#208 - 48,54
Goldday [CAL]
TSB - 38
Golden Circle [ORG]
ATG - 68-70
Golden Death, Orb of {Yellowskull}{Goldenskull}{Death Orb}[ITM]
SEE Orb of Golden Death
Golden Dove (Yepita)[NPC]
DRG#56 - 19
Golden Girdle (Rauxes)[SHP]
WG8 - 69
Golden Grain Inn (Orlane)[INN]
N1 - 2,3,5,6,10,11,13,14,19
Golden Grain Tavern (Rauxes)[INN]
WG8 - 69
Golden Grumnet [INN]
Golden League [ORG]
DRG#302 - 99
LGG - 15,24,78,148,149
LOG - Dis,11,12,26,95
SEE Iron League
Golden League, War of the [BTL]
DRG#302 - 99
LGG - 148,149
LOG - 11,95
Golden Monks [ORG]
WG8 - 110,111
Golden Perch (Jurnre)[INN]
WG8 - 26,29
Golden Phoenix Inn (City of Greyhawk)[INN]
COG:FFF - 15,16,22,23,43,62,63,82
COG:GOTF - 64,65
LGJ#2 - 5
PGTG - 32
RTO8 - 4-6,8,10
TAB - 91
Golden Scimitar [ORG]
FTAC - 1,74
PGTG - 31
TAB - 105
Golden Sun, Banner of the {Azharadins Banner}[ITM]
DRG#293 - 93,95
LOG - 64
ONW1-03 - 4,13,16,17
Golden Sun, Bastion of the (Scant)(Glaives of Azharadin Chapterhouse)[PLC]
DRG#293 - 93
LOG - 64,89
ONW1-03 - 4
Golden Sun, Order of the [ORG]
DRG#293 - 92,93,94
LOG - 29,31,45,93,97,98,105,106,109,112
ONW1-03 - 4,5,7,9,10
SEE ALSO Azharadin, Glaives of
Golden Wheel Casino (Chendl)[INN]
WG8 - 84
SEE Golden Death, Orb of
Goldfields [CAL]
LGG - 2
PGTG - 13
WGG - 4
WOGA - 5
Goldie [NPC]
WGA1 - 15,48,50
Goldie [NPC]
SOOC - 178
Goldplain (Pop 6,700)[TWN]
LGG - 124,126
Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, Guild of (City of Greyhawk)[GLD]
PGTG - 30
Goldstream [RVR]
LOG - 90
Goldsun (gp)[COIN]
LGG - 116
Goldwhite [T20][NPC]
Golem [MON][ITM]
LOG - 22
Golfig [F3][NPC]
L2 - 9
Gollunfane [CTL]
LGJ#1 - 11
Golmar [F1][NPC]
L2 - 21
Golnar [?]
RTOH - 93
Gom the Enforcer [3eRog8/As3][NPC]
LGJ#5 - 7
Gondoria [KNG]
SAG1 - 151
Gondorians [PPL]
SAG1 - 36,37,61,104,110,121,143,145,146,151,153,162,169
Gonduria (Continent)[PLC]
DOD - 402
Goni [MON]
TSB - 60
Good Hills [MT]
FTAA - 12,38,58,60,75
GDQ - 16,17
LGG - 64,65,145,152
LGJ#0 - 6
LGJ#1 - 13,14,15,33
WGA4 - 48
WGG - 21,22,25
WOGA - 50,54,57
WOGG - 14
Good Hills Union (Union of the)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 19,33
Goodbar [NPC]
UA - 21
Goodmen of Rilthane [ORG]
FTAC - 76
Goodmonth By Gironi Boccanegra [BK]
DRG#253 - 41,42,43,44
Goodmonth [CAL]
COG:FFF - 60
DRG#56 - 21
DRG#68 - 45
DRG#263 - 51
DRG#299 - 96
DRG#AN4 - 20
DUN#41 - 46
FTAC - 51,80
GW:ADV - 19
LGG - 2,33
LGJ#4 - 4
LOG - 17,18,71
NA - 233
PGTG - 13,15
RTO8 - 2-4,10,19-21,52
SOOC - 12
TAB - 39,46,48,52,53,90,92
WGG - 4
WGR4 - 32
WOGA - 5
WOGG - 19
Goods Market (Rel Mord)[PLC]
WGR4 - IC,78
Googtuth [NPC]
WGR1 - 17
Goose (sp)[COIN]
LGG - 79
LOG - 34,36
Goose Fair (Yards)(Willip)[QTR]
WGR4 - 34,35
Gorak (Orog)[NPC]
SOTT - 4,16,26,27,39,40,45,46,88,89,106,114,120,121,122
Goral [F7][NPC]
DUN#32 - 69,70
Gorbin Stalworth [F5][NPC]
A1-4 - 63
A2 - 10
Gord the Rogue [NPC]
DRG#93 - 23,24
DRG#100 Pg# 24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32
DRG#AN2 - 99
Gordegar [As15][NPC]
TSB - 18
Gordon of Red Falcon [NPC]
DUN#13 - 17
Gordreth (Half-Orc)[NPC]
Gorell the Woodcutter [NPC]
FTAA - 14
Gorg (Half-Orc)[NPC]
L2 - 21
Gorg (Orc)[NPC]
L2 - 21
Gorgon [MON]
OCA - 26
Gorharg (Half-Orc)[T5][NPC]
L1 - 5
Gorloff the Aged [NPC]
POLY#58 - 14
Gormadoc (Halfling)[T5][T9][NPC]
ROG - 42
SLV - 35,37,39,48,60,106
Gorman [NPC]
ONW1-03 - 5,6,7,9,10,11,12
Gorna (Pop 4,800)[TWN][CAP]
ATG - 1,5,6,44,49,50,52,64,66,67
FTAA - 26
LGG - 48,49,127,128,146
LGJ#1 - 14
LGJ#2 - 3
LGJ#3 - 25
LGJ#4 - 29
S3 - 2
TAB - 35
WGA4 - 48
WGG - 10
WOGA - 22
Gorna, Battle of [BTL]
LGG - 48,146
LGJ#1 - 14
LGJ#3 - 25
LGJ#4 - 29
Gornora [NPC]
DRG#253 - 47
Goroda (Cloud Giant)[NPC]
ATG - 2,4,5,38,47,53,55,66,72,79,80,88,90
Goros Redpate (F3)(3eF3)[NPC]
LGJ#2 - 7
TAB - 112
Gorreless (T5)[NPC]
WGR5 - 70,94
Gorrkulabuk (Kuo-Toa)(Ghost)(Clr7)[NPC]
DUN#85 - 34,54,63,64,67
Gorsend (Pop 4,400)(5,200)[TWN]
LGG - 45,46
WGR4 - 25,27,46
Gorsk (Half-Orc)[F2][NPC]
L2 - 21
Gorson (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Gorth (Derro)[NPC]
WGA3 - 40
Gotto [C7][NPC]
SLV - 95
Gougers Tribe (Kobold)[CLN]
LGG - 11
Gouquog (Sea-Hag)[3eF3][NPC]
RT1-4 - 93,172
Gov River [RVR]
TSB - 30,Map
Govoc the Prophet (Drow)(Drd12)[NPC]
DRG#298 - 83
DRG#300 - 92,93
Grabford (Pop 8,800)[TWN]
GW:ADV - 20
LGG - 45,46,47,105,150
TAB - 21
WGM1 - IBC,4,8,15,20
WGR4 - 3,20,21,36
WGR5 - 4,25,28,32,33,34,73,75,76,79,80,87,88
WGR6 - 14
Grabford, Battle of [BTL]
LGG - 47
Gradsul (Pop 49,400)[TWN]
COG:FFF - 24
DRG#263 - 47
FTAA - 9,64,69,77
GA - 101
GW:ADV - 23
LGG - 63,64,65,72,101,119,121,156
LGJ#0 - 8,11
LGJ#1 - 9,10,11,12,13,14,16,33
LGJ#3 - 26
LGJ#4 - 15,16,17,20
LGJ#5 - 29
LOG - 33
RTO8 - 60
TAB - 33
TSB - 6
WGA4 - 49
WGG - 12,15
WOGA - 27,34
Gradsul, Duchy of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 12,13,17,18,19,33
Grady (Bloody)[NPC]
SLV - 37
Grafs Manor (Prinzfeld)[CTL]
WGQ1 - IC,IBC,1,15,21
Gragend Klanden [NPC]
Gralo [NPC]
WGQ1 - 11
Grammo Saxinus (Half-Elf)[NPC]
WGA4 - 39,41,43
Gran March (40,000+)[KNG]
ATG - 5,6,44,62,68,80,91
DRG#52 - 18,19,20
DRG#57 - 13
DRG#67 - 11
DRG#191 - 65,67
DRG#263 - 46
DUN#41 - 48
DUN#89 - 47,49
DUN#95 - 60,63
FTAA - 7,10,12,17,20,23,26,29,38,43,55,59,60,61,79
FTAC - 62
GA - 87
GDQ - 12
GW:ADV - 11,15,16,19
LGG - IC,32,33,48,49,50,51,58,63,65,67,96,107,116,118,119
LGJ#0 - 3,13
LGJ#1 - 4,8,9,10,19,28,32,33
LGJ#2 - 28,29
LGJ#3 - 27
LGJ#4 - 28,29
LGJ#5 - 28,31
MMII - 60
N1 - 2,5,20
PGTG - 5,10,27,55,56
S4B2 - 12
SAF - 47
TAB - 16,18,35,36
WG12 - 2,3,4,33,34,64
WGA4 - 49
WGG - IC,2,5,7,10,12,17,18,23,25
WGR3 - 23
WGR4 - 9,10,63
WGR5 - 4
WOGA - 8,12,14,22,23,27,28,39,40,50,54,79,IBC
WOGG - 8,10,17,31,32
Gran March, Equalizer of (Sword)[ITM]
WGR3 - 23
Grand Administrative Council (City of Greyhawk)[ORG]
FTAC - 6
TAB - 41
Grand Calendar [CAL]
TSB - 50
Grand Cascade (Underoerth)[RVR]
DUN#70 - 63
DUN#72 - 84
Grand Citadel {Military Quarter}(City of Greyhawk)[CTL][QTR]
COG:FFF - 9,11,12,65,66
COG:GOTF - 1,5,46-52,54,61,67,74,93,94
COH - 6,10,25,26,37,39,40,81
LGJ#2 - 5,7
NA - 277,279,301,354,355,360,387,389,391,397
PGTG - 14,29,32
SOOC - 37,48,86
TAB - 43,57-59,74,78-83,85,87-89,112,125
WGA1 - IC,IBC,2,9,10,12,18,22,24,49
WGA2 - 49
WGA3 - 2,5,10,13,24,25,26,27,28,56
Grand Council of Greyhawk Guilds [GLD]
COG:FFF - 30
TAB - 42,44,46,47,65
Grand Court (Celene)[QTR]
AOE - 121-123
Grand Duke's Castle (Geoff)[CTL]
ATG - 49
Grand Hall (City of Greyhawk)[QTR]
FTAA - 9
PGTG - 11,28
WGR3 - 4
Grand Market (Scant)[QTR]
LOG - 14,34,52,89
TAB - 25
Grand Opera (City of Greyhawk)[QTR]
SEE Royal Opera (City of Greyhawk)
Grand Prison (Hesuel Ilshar)[QTR]
TSB - 25,26
Grand Square (City of Greyhawk)[PLC]
SOOC - 37,48
Grand Tent (City of Greyhawk)[PLC]
LGJ#2 - 4,7,9
TAB - 111,114,115
Grand Theater {Great}(City of Greyhawk)[PLC]
COG:FFF - 60,61,64,75
COG:GOTF - 64,74,75
LGJ#2 - 5,8
PGTG - 32
TAB - 44,85,90,113
Grand Tower (City of Greyhawk)[CTL]
NA - 172
Grandherths Family [CLN]
SLV - 16
Grandiens (Gaming House)(Willip)[INN]
WGR4 - IC,35
Grandma Henris House of Rest (Verbobonc)[INN]
WG8 - 95
Grandsuel Peaks [MT]
SOD - 6,133,152-154,159,169,170,172,181,182
Grandwood Forest [WD]
DRG#52 - 19
DRG#63 - 17
DRG#68 - 42
DRG#191 - 67,68
DRG#208 - 57
DRG#209 - 13
DRG#241 - 47
FTAA - 53,61
FTAC - 80
GA - 25
LGG - 17,22,72,92,141,152,153,158
LGJ#5 - 30
SAF - 46
TAB - 26,29
WGG - 10,12,14,22,23,25
WOGA - 23,28,29,32,33,51,54,57,58
WOGG - 12,13,32,IBC
Grandwood Forest, Marchland of (Ahlissa)[PRV]
LGG - 22
Grandwoods Grandest
SEE Gahrus Folly
Grandy the Mariner of Monmurg [NPC]
WGR3 - 13
Granforth (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
Granite, Brotherhood of (Stone Giant)[CLN]
A1-4 - 91
Granite City [TWN]
Grank [C3][NPC]
T1-4 - 111,112
Grankhul (Bugbear)[Deity]
FTAA - 96
Granny (Sea Hag)[NPC]
ONW1-06 - 6
Granus of Pregmere (Count)
SEE Rohan IV
Grask (Gnoll)(Drd5)[NPC]
DUN#85 - 74,89,90,91,92,93
Grasp [NPC]
SOOC - 42
Gratius Saghast [NPC]
TAB - 94
WGA2 - 11
Graud (Half-Orc)[3eBbn4][NPC]
RT1-4 - 61,63,65,172
Grave District (Skull City)[QTR]
RTOH - 34
Gravestone (Donnur)(Gravers)(Norund)(Rundon Tallman)(Undron
CED - 81,82-91,95-103,115,119,120,135,136,139,140,168-172
COH - 394,395,396
DOD - 17,18,79,152,155,218,416
Gravetongue (Sickle)[ITM]
DRG#292 - 68,72
Gray Ghost Tavern (Leukish)[INN]
WG8 - 58,59
Gray Lynx Clan (Gray Linx)(Rovers)[CLN]
DRG#56 - 22,23
DUN#32 - 61,62,62,66,67,69,71
Gray One, Tower of the (Rauxes)[CTL]
WG8 - 71
Gray Queen [NPC]
IQ3 - 1,2,5,6,7,11,12,13,14,15
Gray Run River [RVR]
NA - 331,332,336,343,382
Gray Waste [PLC]
TSC - 44
Graycloaks [ORG]
DUN#85 - 35,36,38
Grayfist (Verbobonc)[CTL]
LGG - 132
WG8 - 95
Grayflood River (Greyflood)[RVR]
DRG#57 - 15
DRG#65 - 12
FTAA - 63
LGG - 110,111,141,152
LOG - 11
RTOH - 7,8
TAB - 29
WGG - 24,25
WOGA - 53,54
Grayflood Keeps [CTL]
Grayhill (Keoland)(Pop 985)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 14,15,16,33
LGJ#4 - 16
Grayhill, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64,66
LGJ#1 - 15,18,33
Grayington [TWN]
LGJ#5 - 31
Graylion {Gord}[NPC]
SOD - 172
Graz (Yeth Hound)[NPC]
DOD - 346,398,414,415,416
Grazz't {Graz'zt}(Demon)[Deity]
AOE - 91-98,190,192,303,304,310,331,333,340
CED - 39,44,45,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,146,147
COH - 393
DOD - 13,14,15,44,45,46,63,67,69,71,72,74,75,76,77,79,80,82,83
DRG#64 - 13
DRG#225 - 51,52
DRG#233 - 27
DRG#264 - 47
DRG#270 - 65
DRG#294 - 27
DRG#299 - 103
DUN#13 - 17
LGG - 63,173,182
MMII - 35,39,40
PGTG - 24
RTO8 - 10,55,56
S4B1 - 2
S4B2 - 8
SOD - 9-13,16-29,31,79-82,84-93,95,134,136,139,272,273,360,
WGR5 - 3,16,17,46,72,75,84,91,92,93,94
WGR6 - 38
WOGA - 75
Grazz't {Graz'zt}, Sword of
SEE Doomscreamer
Grazz't (Graz'zt), Temple of (Dyvers)[TMP]
SOD - 92
Grazzcyk (Stone Giant)[NPC]
A1-4 - 91
Geoff, Grand Duchy of {Tjalf}(Pop 30,000+)[KNG]
ATG - 2,4,5,6,8,43,44,49-55,59,61,62,65-67,70,72,
COG:C# - 15,16
DRG#52 - 18,19,20,24
DRG#55 - 17,18,19
DRG#57 - 13
DRG#67 - 11
DRG#191 - 65,67,68
DRG#225 - 50
DRG#230 - 14
DRG#241 - 75,76
DRG#243 - 91
DRG#256 - 47
DRG#280 - 90
DRG#291 - 98
DRG#300 - 92
DUN#89 - 47,49
FTAA - 7,10-13,21,38,41,44,45,53,55,56,58,60,75,92
FTAC - 9,60
GA - 42,43
GW:ADV - 20
LGG - IC,5,47,48,49,50,51,63,66,107,108,118,126,127,136,141,
LGJ#0 - 3,6,11,13
LGJ#1 - 4,8,9,16,19,32
LGJ#2 - 1,2,3,28
LGJ#3 - 25,27
LGJ#4 - 2,28,29
LGJ#5 - 28
MMII - 60
N1 - 5
PGTG - 5,10,12,16,27,34,39,43,48,55,56
RTO8 - 60
S1 - 2
S3 - 2
S4B2 - 12
SAF - 47,48
TAB - 16,19,35,36
TAB:AM - 4
WG6 - 22
WG11 - 30
WG12 - 2,3,33
WGA4 - 48
WGG - IBC,2,7,10,16,23
WGR3 - 23
WGR4 - 3,9,15
WGR5 - 4,49
WOGA - IC,13 22,36,50,53,59,79
WOGG - 10,12,17,31,32
Geoff [NPC]
HART - 18
Geoffite [PPL]
DRG#290 - 106
FTAA - 92
LGJ#2 - 3,28
TAB - 35
WGG - 10
WOGA - 22
Geoffrey (Sir)[C6][NPC]
HART - 27,30,36,47
Geoffrey Ana Aspens [NPC]
Geography, School of, Grey College (City of Greyhawk)[SCL]
Geohegan Chausard [NPC]
DRG#253 - 43
Geohegan Munt [NPC]
DRG#253 - 42
Geolin (Dwarf)[F1][F2][F3][NPC]
U1 - 29
U2 - 31
U3 - 45
George [NPC]
L1 - 17,19
Georgina [NPC]
DUN#41 - 52
Gerald the Seeker [C1][C2][C4][NPC]
U1 - 29
U2 - 31
U3 - 45
Geram [F8/M8][NPC]
TD - 16,17
Geran [NPC]
COG:C# - 15
Gerbrun [3eCom2][NPC]
FAT - 24,39
Gerd [M5][NPC]
RTO8 - 35
Gerden Treda (High Priest)[NPC]
LOG - 55,106
Geren Laraith [R5][NPC]
COG:FFF - 69,71,72
FTAC - 71,72,87
Germin of Dyvers [NPC]
LOG - 89
Gerregak Tribe [CLN]
WGR5 - 36
Gerrenkzerung [CTL][TWN]
WGR4 - 49
WGR5 - 28,29,30,77,79
Gerrkadenk [CTL]
Gerry the Clown [NPC][ITM]
WG11 - 26
Gershimon Iilinski [NPC]
LOG - 81,106
Gerval Bussey [NPC]
DRG#253 - 44
Geryon (Devil)[NPC]
DMG1 - 164
MMI - 22
MMII - 44,45,46
Gesex Forest (Lendore Isle)[WD]
L2 - 32
Gesex Hill (Lendore Isle)[WD]
L2 - 32
Geshender [NPC]
WGR4 - 32,37
Geshenders Needle [CTL]
WGR4 - 32,37
Geshtai [Deity]
LGG - 32,37,42,67,83,114,115,122,133,136,152,171,176
LGJ#3 - 18
LGJ#5 - 13
PGTG - 20
T1-4 - 120
WGR3 - 24
WOGA - 63
Geshtais Spring [RVR]
WGR3 - 24
Gethrun Shoiraine [NPC]
DRG#241 - 77
Gethul (Fire Beast)[ITM]
DUN#19 - 13
Geval [F17][NPC]
TSB - 60,61
Gevies [NPC]
L1 - 17
Geynor Ton [3eC2][NPC]
RT1-4 - 2,20,24,25,167,188
Geynor Ton, Journal of [BK]
RT1-4 - 2,188,189
Geysers of Death
SEE Csipros Erd
Ghalann, Daraneth
SEE Daraneth Ghalann
Ghastoor [TWN]
SOD - 6,94,115,137,141,145,148,151,153,154,158
Ghastrobe [ITM]
WGR5 - 14
Ghayar, Gulf of [RVR]
LGG - 136,137,147,148,161
Ghayar, Satrapy of
SEE Zeif
Ghazal (Bright Desert)[CTL]
DUN#30 - 22-30
Ghen [F3][NPC]
GA - 105,107
Ghetto of Artisans (Erelhei-Cinlu)[QTR]
DRG#298 - 75,76,85
Ghetto of Chattels {Ghetto of Slaves}(Erelhei-Cinlu)[QTR]
DRG#298 - 75,76,81,83,85
DRG#300 - 92
Ghetto of Foreigners (Erelhei-Cinlu)[QTR]
DRG#298 - 75,76,77,83,85
Ghetto of Outcasts (Beggars Ghetto)(Erelhei-Cinlu)[QTR]
DRG#298 - 75,76,82,83,86
Ghetto of Performers (Erelhei-Cinlu)[QTR]
DRG#298 - 75,76,79,85
DRG#300 - 91,93
Ghetto of Savages (Erelhei-Cinlu)[QTR]
DRG#298 - 75,76,81,85
Ghetto of Scholars (Erelhei-Cinlu)[QTR]
DRG#298 - 75,76,77,79,85
Ghetto of the Dead (Tombs)(Erelhei-Cinlu)[QTR]
DRG#298 - 75,76,81,83,86
DRG#300 - 92
Ghiselinn of Furyondy {Ghisellinn}[M19][NPC]
WGR4 - 75,85,89,90,92
WGR5 - 88
Ghost Tower of Inverness [CTL]
C2 - 2,5,6
GTOI - 9
COLTM - 33
SLV - 7,14,60
TAB - 3,4
WGR3 - 25
WOGG - 30
Ghosts in the Tress [ADV]
TSB - 71
Ghostwood (Underoerth)[WD]
DUN#70 - 58,59
Ghoul [MON]
ONW1-05 - 5,6,7
Ghoul [Ship]
A1-4 - 19,20-23,45,110
Ghrigiel, Ambassador of the Scarlet Brotherhood (City of Greyhawk)[NPC]
FTAC - 7,10,65-68,79
Ghulford [TWN]
WGR5 - 27
Giant, The (Caves of Deadly Shadows) [PLC]
FTAA - 71
Gibbering Gate [GTE]
DRG#191 - 68
WGR5 - 56,58,62,81
WGR6 - 10,38,43
Giftring (gp)[COIN]
LGG - 108
Gigantea [PLC]
DRG#AN1 - 72,73
Gigantos [NPC]
CED - 246
NA - 12
Gil Plowman [NPC]
DOD - 25
Gil Sparecrow (Half-Elf)[NPC]
TAB - 43
Gilded Acorn [INN]
FTAC - 41,45
Gilded Goat (Rauxes)[INN]
WG8 - 71
Gilded Monarch [BK]
LGJ#2 - 29
Gildenbrand [ITM]
DRG#299 - 99
Gildenhand [MNE][TWN]
WGR4 - 49,52
WGR5 - 31
Gildenlea Galingale (Herb)[ITM]
ONW1-03 - 11
Gilderlea {Gildenlea}[PLC]
LOG - 87
ONW1-03 - 11
Gilderond {Gildenrond}[PRV]
DRG#299 - 98,99
LOG - 1,10,20,32,62,88,90,106
Gildestar (Pegasus)[NPC]
HART - 40
Giles (Farmer)[NPC]
COG:FFF - 65
Gilfar [Ship]
WGA4 - 31,32,79
Gilhen (Female)[NPC]
ONW1-03 - 14
Gilley [NPC]
AOE - 280
Gillich Lord of Salt (Marquis)(True Ghoul)[NPC]
DUN#70 - 64,66,71
Gillmore (Captain)[NPC]
WGM1 - 3-6,32
Gillmyr (Fire Giant)[NPC]
ATG - 67,73
Gillum I [NPC]
LGJ#1 - 11
Gilmi (Dwarf)[F4][NPC]
L2 - 3,8,11
Gimmees Store (Rauxes)[SHP]
WG8 - 71
Gingwatzim [MON]
DRG#295 - 93,94,95
Girana (Elf)[F8/M8][NPC]
A1-4 - 23
Gironi Boccanegra [NPC]
DRG#253 - 41
Gister Noshim [3eCom4][NPC]
RT1-4 - 15
Gith [NPC]
JAM - 20
Gitta [NPC]
PGTG - 48
Giving Day [CAL]
DRG#AN4 - 20
Givryn Thalas [NPC]
OWN1-07 - 5,6
Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl [MT]
ATG - 1,2,3,7,8,16-25,63
WOGG - 30
Gladiators, Wrestlers and Professional Combatants, Guild of
(City of Greyhawk)[GLD]
PGTG - 30
TAB - 103
Gladsheim [PLN]
DRG#87 - 23
DRG#90 - 24
Gladwell Solan
SEE Solan, Gladwell
Glami [M3][NPC]
L2 - 3,10,11,12,14
Glanda [NPC]
SAG1 - 36,37,93,94,95,96,97,98,127
Glandeven [CTL]
WGR4 - 83
Glarathred the Golden (Dwur)[NPC]
LOG - 48,106
Glassonan (Herzog)[NPC]
LGG - 24
Glasya (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44,47
Glayrin Mok [F3][NPC]
TAB - 123,124
Gleaming Glades [WD]
WGR4 - 31
Gleaming Spires [CTL]
WGR5 - 69
Gleed (Gnome)[I10/T10][NPC]
AOE - 114,118,119,150,175
WGR5 - 90
Gleep Wurp The Eyebiter [M12][NPC]
ATG - 6,77,89,90
G123 - 31,32
Glenda Silvertoe (Halfling)[T11][NPC]
TAB - 119
Glendalochs Moor [RVR]
LGJ#4 - 28
Glimmerfell (Glitterfell)[TWN]
DUN#70 - 49,53,54,55,56,58
Glimworth (Gnome)[NPC]
LOG - 49,106
Glistar [TWN]
COG:C# - 15
Glittering Wizards [ORG]
WGR5 - 60
Gloam [MON]
COH - 264,267,268,269,282,283,297,304
Gloaming, Festival of [CAL]
COH - 291
Gloaming, Lords of [ORG]
DRG#291 - 92
Globe Palm [MON]
S3 - 12,14
Glodnen [TWN]
COG:C# - 2
Glodreddi Bakkanin (Dwarf)[T10][NPC]
COG:FFF - 6,7,12-14,30,35,78
COG:GOTF - 54,55,61,95
FTAC - 5,6
LGJ#2 - 5
TAB - 41-43,62,64-66,70,88,108
TD - 29
Gloful [Ship]
DRG#65 - 11
Gloin (Dwarf)[F8][NPC]
WGR1 - 76
Gloomfens [RVR]
LGG - 34
Gloomwhisper (Dracolich)[NPC]
COG:C# - 16,24
Gloria [NPC]
L1 - 18
Gloria [NPC]
Glorias [INN]
Glorial [M5][NPC]
Glorioles [MT]
DRG#52 - 19
DRG#57 - 15,16
DRG#63 - 16,17
DRG#302 - 99
FTAA - 39,58,66
GW:ADV - 13,14,19,26
LGG - 9,17,57,78,110,111,141,142
LOG - 10
MMII - 60
PGTG - 8
RTOH - 2,12,13,20
WGG - 11,12,13,16,22,23,24
WOGA - 29,30,37,49,53,59
WOGG - 14,15,IBC
Glorioles Army of South Province [ORG]
LGG - 110,152
Glorious Griffin [INN]
Glossography [BK]
WOGG - 2
Glot (Pop 5,100)[TWN][CAP]
DRG#57 - 14
FTAA - 28
LGG - 54,152
WGG - 11,15
WOGA - 35
Glup (Orc)[NPC]
L2 - 21
Glupooluk (Kuo-Toan)[P4/T4][NPC]
DUN#77 - 66,70,72,73,74,77
Gnarley Border [WD]
LGG - 133
TAB - 37
Gnarley Forest {Gnarly}[WD]
A1-4 - 6,9
AOE - 7,128,158,159,231
COG:C# - 14,21,24
COG:FFF - 22,69,71,72,82
COG:GOTF - 10,15,18,33-36,59,81,96
DRG#52 - 19
DRG#191 - 65
DRG#195 - 95
DRG#209 - 13
DRG#253 - 47
DRG#285 - 72
DRG#AN3 - 102
DUN#53 - 34
FTAA - 5,16,45,47,53,54,58,64,86
FTAC - 1,5,7,13,16,18,38-46,49,53,54,68,71,75,76,79,
GA - 82
LGG - 17,40,41,42,51,131,132,140
LGJ#1 - 28
LGJ#2 - 7,11
LGJ#4 - 28
LGJ#5 - 28
NA - 235
PGTG - 1,27,28,49,52,54,55
RT1-4 - 8
RTO8 - 3
SLV - 4,6-8,10,13,17,18,27,31,43,47
SOOC - 6
T1-4 - 4,6,12
TAB - 6,36,45-48,50,51,54-57,66,68-71,73,84,86,90
TAB:AM - 3,4,11
TD - 29
WG8 - 62,94,96
WG11 - IC,3,15
WGA4 - 23,39,49
WGG - 8,10,19,22,23,25
WGR1 - 16,38,70
WGR4 - 8,15,30,31,32,34,41,46,53,80
WGR5 - 31
WOGA - 11,25,41,49,54,57,58
WOGG - 13,32,IBC
Gnarley Forest, Rangers of the [ORG]
DRG#195 - 96
FTAC - 41-43,82,92-96
LGG - 140
LGJ#1 - 28
LGJ#5 - 28
PGTG - 27,40,49,52-55,86
SLV - 17,27
TAB - 86
WGR4 - 41
Gnarley Forest, Rovers of [ORG]
SLV - 10,17
Gnarley House {Gnarleyhouse}(City of Greyhawk)[QTR]
LGJ#2 - 4
LGJ#4 - 6
TAB - 99
Gnarley Protectorate [ORG]
LGJ#4 - 28
Gnarley Road (Dyvers)[STR]
SLV - 9
Gnarleymen [ORG]
FTAC - 1,75
Gnarleys (Gnarlys)[ORG]
TAB - 99,100
Gnarleys, Lord of the [PPL]
TAB - 100
Gnarlvergia [TWN]
NA - 237,239,256
Gnatmarsh [RVR]
DRG#191 - 66
FTAA - 61,63
GA - 74
LGG - 79,153
LGJ#0 - 11
LGJ#2 - 29
NA - 122,129,147,149
PGTG - 9,40
RTO8 - 59
SOOC - 7,288
TAB - 54
WG6 - 27
WGG - 21,23,25
WGR4 - 61,62,69,70
WOGA - 51,54,56
Gnoll [MON]
DRG#296 - 18
OCA - 20
Gnome {Noniz}[MON]
LOG - 8,9,11,12,14,22,23,40-442,46,49,57,58,70,82,87,89,90,94,105
ONW1-01 - 4
ONW1-02 - 9
ONW1-08 - 4
Gnome Gods, Temple of (Hosselholt)[TMP]
LOG - 90
Gnomeburg (Verbobonc)[QTR]
WGA4 - 34,35,36
Gnomicsheris [BK]
WGA4 - 20,22
Gnorgrak (Jarl)[NPC]
DUN#89 - 47,48,49,50,51
Gnorgrak, Hold of [CTL][TWN]
DUN#89 - 47,48,49,50,51