Thursday, April 30, 2020

NPC - Elakera the Necromancer's Apprentice - Spinecastle

NPC - Elakera the Necromancer's Apprentice - Spinecastle

Elakera is the senior apprentice of the necromancer Glipkerio Kistomerces. Soon she will show her knowledge of the necromantic arts and begin her travels as a journeyman for seasoning in the outerworld before returning for more instruction. As an apprentice she traveled with a journeyman during one of their many trips and expeditions to aid Glipkerio. Soon she will be  taking one of the apprentices and joining a small band of mercenaries in the employ of a half-orc warchief with plans to raid human lands to the south.

She has shown great talent and has been a favorite of Glipkerio. He has gifted her with an enchanted staff that provides immunity to the paralyzation abilities of some undead as well as allowing her to paralyze most humans, demi-humans and humanoids thrice per day.

She is very fond of creating potions and has a recipe for animating fresh corpses as zombies. She normally carries several bottles and will animate such dead to serve her at the first opportunity. She currently ha 6 fresh zombies ready to defend her and carry her luggage. 

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