Wednesday, April 1, 2020

City - The City of Blackmoor

City - The City of Blackmoor

Blackmoor lies in ruins much as it did when the first humans found it sitting on the edge of Blackmoor Bay long centuries ago. The foundations of Blackmoor are set deeper and more firmly than bedrock. They touch upon the boundary of the black abyss and the nightmare dreams of Elder Gods who were never worshiped by man. 

Above ground, though in ruins, the shape of the human city still exists. The docks are empty except for the hulks of rotting ships, some no more than masts and upper works still projecting higher than the aging quay. The Sea Market was the life-blood of this far northern city. The buildings were never tall here and have mostly collapsed within themselves, the streets are clear except for scattered debris and the clean-picked bones of those who were unable to flee the sack when the defenses failed.

The quarters and districts and inner walls exist, the Craftsman's Way burned, the great tenements of the Labor District collapsed, fallen across streets and alleys making the entire area a vast layer of wreckage; shattered stone and broken beams. The Path of Temples an open pit revealing the depth of the Undercity and the inhumanly vast greenish blocks of greasy stone which are the cities true foundation.

Tallest among the ruin is the vast cylinder which had served as castle and palace to the old kings and queens of Blackmoor. Its upper reaches empty and hollow but the blackness of its high walls seemingly invulnerable to the damage which destroyed the city.

Beneath the Castle, beneath the city, the tunnels are old, much older than the memory of the dead whose ghosts haunt the ruins. Down they go, wide, unchanging, fetid and slimed with something more than moisture come in from the Bay. The passages go down, and branch, some opening into wide plateau's or vaulting chambers while other ways grow smaller and smaller, twisting worm-like till they become so small no sentient thing could travel further.

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