Saturday, February 29, 2020
NPC - Nycaise the Red
NPC - Nycaise the Red
Nycaise is the youngest of three sons to the Furyondian knight Sir Toussain who served with Prince Thrommel at the Battle of Emridy Meadows. Unfortunately Nycaise is nothing like his father.
Rather than following the path of knighthood Nycaise was drawn toward the wild and woodlands. He was raised more by the family's chief woodsman while Toussain was away fighting first for his prince and then off to Veluna. The woodsman was more poacher than baliff to the estate and a bit of a bandit on the side. Nycaise had an affinity both for the woods and for the banditry and became both an excellent bowman and leader of a small pack of outlaws before he left home.
Nycaise and his band now haunt northern Verbobonc and Dyvers. At times he travels to the City of Greyhawk doffing his fine leather armor and red trappings in favor of fine clothes that the son of a minor Furyondian Lord might wear with his bandit crew cleaned and clothed as his retainers.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Keoland References
Keoland References
Almerin Skiari (Ambassador of Keoland)[NPC]
FTAC - 7,60
Axewood, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 15,33
Black Pike (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
Blacktop (Black Top)(Keoland)[TWN]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 13,19,33
Blerfield, March of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 14,33
Craufield (Keoland)(Pop 1,740)[TWN]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 19,33
Cryllor, Town of (Keoland)(Pop 8,400)[TWN]
FTAA - 63
LGG - 63,64,134,152
LGJ#1 - 14,33
LGJ#4 - 17
LGJ#5 - 29
TSB - 34
WGA4 - 49
WGG - 25
WOGA - 54
Cryllor, County of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 13,14,33
LGJ#2 - 29
Daerwald (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
LGJ#4 - 20
Darrishen Hartston of Keoland [NPC]
FTAA - 75
Dilwych (Keoland)(Pop 504)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 16,33
LGJ#4 - 16
Dilwych, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 16,33
Dorlin, Duchy of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64,65,66
LGJ#1 - 9,10,11,15,16,17,19,33
LGJ#4 - 21
Dreadwood Forest [WD]
BC - 78,80
DRG#52 - 19
DRG#191 - 67
DRG#241 - 80
FTAA - 29,36,542
GA - 33
GW:ADV - 23
LGG - 65,66,135,140
LGJ#0 - 11
LGJ#1 - 12,13,15,16,17,18,33
LGJ#4 - 12,15,16,17,20
RTO8 - 60
TAB - 32
TSB - 6
U2 - 30
WG6 - 22
WGA4 - 22,49
WGG - 21
WOGA - 56,57
WOGG - 12,13,32,IBC
Dreadwood Preserve (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 18,33
Endereisen (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
Estgant (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
Flen (Keoland)(Pop 11,900)[TWN]
ATG - 5
GDQ - 9,12
LGG - 63,64,107,145
LGJ#1 - 13,14,33
WGA4 - 48,56
Flen, County of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 13,14,33
Gand, Earldom of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 14,19,33
LGJ#2 - 29
Gradsul (Pop 49,400)[TWN]
COG:FFF - 24
DRG#263 - 47
FTAA - 9,64,69,77
GA - 101
GW:ADV - 23
LGG - 63,64,65,72,101,119,121,156
LGJ#0 - 8,11
LGJ#1 - 9,10,11,12,13,14,16,33
LGJ#3 - 26
LGJ#4 - 15,16,17,20
LGJ#5 - 29
LOG - 33
RTO8 - 60
TAB - 33
TSB - 6
WGA4 - 49
WGG - 12,15
WOGA - 27,34
Gradsul, Duchy of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 12,13,17,18,19,33
Granforth (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
Grayhill (Keoland)(Pop 985)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 14,15,16,33
LGJ#4 - 16
Grayhill, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64,66
LGJ#1 - 15,18,33
Haven (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#2 - 29
Hool Marsh [RVR]
DRG#71 - 56
DRG#191 - 67
DRG#241 - 79
DUN#19 - 4,5
FTAA - 36,37,60,61
GW:ADV - 23
LGG - 101,121,134,136,140,146,152,153
LGJ#0 - 11
LGJ#1 - 17,18,19,33
LGJ#4 - 16
PGTG - 40
RTO8 - 60
SOD - 372
TAB - 32
TSB - 6,7
U2 - 6,30
U3 - 2,8,9,46
WGG - 15,19,21,23
WOGA - 34,42,51,57,77
WOGG - 5
Hool Marsh Protectorate (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 18,33
Keaford (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
SEE Keolandish
Keoish Amber Wine [ITM]
DRG#100 Pg# 24
NA - 172,309
Keoish Brandy [ITM]
RT1-4 - 14
Keoish Golden Wine [ITM]
RT1-4 - 14
T1-4 - 14
Keoland (Kingdom of){Keoghland}(Pop 300,000+)[KNG]
AOE - 6,113
ATG - 5,44
CED - 16
COG:C# - 5
COG:FFF - 3,24
COH - 241
DMG1 - 158
DRG#52 - 18-20,22
DRG#55 - 18
DRG#57 - 13
DRG#65 - 11
DRG#87 - 26
DRG#167 - 11
DRG#191 - 65,67,68
DRG#209 - 14
DRG#225 - 50
DRG#249 - 93
DRG#253 - 42,45
DRG#256 - 51
DRG#263 - 46,47,48
DRG#264 - 49,50
DRG#270 - 60
DRG#271 - 75
DRG#278 - 77,78
DRG#294 - 91
DRG#297 - 92
DRG#299 - 102
DRG#AN3 - 98,99,102,104
DRG#AN4 - 18,21
DUN#19 - 4,5,7
DUN#41 - 48
DUN#53 - 33
DUN#70 - 64
DUN#73 - 69
DUN#77 - 62,63,64,72
DUN#89 - 49
FTAA - 2,4,7,8,10,12,14,15,17,19,20,23,26,29,30,
FTAC - 6,7,10,60,62
GA - 42,78,87
GDQ - 9,10,12,14,15,16,17,121
GW:ADV - 10,11,15,16,20,23,24,32
GW:RB - 8
LGG - 4,12-14,17-19,32,33,39,46-50,58,63-67,84,87,88,96,98,100
LGJ#0 - 3,8,11,13
LGJ#1 - 1,4,8-19,29,32,33
LGJ#2 - 3,29,21
LGJ#3 - 8,27
LGJ#4 - 1,9-14,16,17,20,29
LGJ#5 - 28,29,31
LOG - 33
N1 - 2,5
PGTG - 5,10,15,16,23,25,27,55,56
RTO8 - 60
SAF - 47
SLV - 39,87,99,122
SOD - 7
TAB - 16,18,19,32-35,55,56,59,62,69,73,86,90,94
TSB - 6,7
U1 - 3
WG6 - 22
WG8 - 25,110
WG12 - 5
WGA4 - 22,49,60
WGG - IBC,2,5,7,9,10,12,15,16,18,19,21,22,23,25
WGQ1 - 2
WGR4 - 3,6,10,59,63
WGR5 - 4,90
WOGA - 8,9,12,14,19,22,23,27,28,34,36,38,39,41,43,50
WOGG - 8,17,31,32
Keolandish (Keoish,Keolander,Keolish)[PPL]
COG:FFF - 60
COH - 226
DRG#52 - 20,22
DRG#167 - 11
DRG#191 - 67
DRG#241 - 48,79
DRG#253 - 42,45
DRG#268 - 70
DRG#297 - 93
DUN#19 - 5,7,12
DUN#70 - 64
FTAA - 5,7,14,29,36,41,44
FTAC - 87
GA - 87,96
GDQ - 14
LGG - 12,13,32,33,39,40,48-50,67,87,88,100-102,106,
LGJ#0 - 8
LGJ#1 - 8,9,10,13,15,16,17,18
LOG - 99
PGTG - 15
SLV - 27,127
TAB - 34,45,73
TSB - 6,34
WG6 - 21
WG8 - 25,27,124
WGA4 - 90
WGG - 12,15,17,19,21
WOGA - 16,19,27,34,38,39,42
WOGG - 31
Kilm (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 13,33
Kimberton (Keoland)(Pop 980)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 18,33
Kimbertos Skotti (Scotti)[3eR15][NPC]
SEE Skotti, Kimbertos
Linnoden (Keoland)(Pop 1,840)[TWN]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 11,33
Linth, Earldom of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 10,19,33
Mandismoor, March of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 9,14,19,33
Mareman, March of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 33
Marlbridge (Keoland)(Pop 3,160)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 19,33
Marlbridge, County of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 19,33
Middlebridge (Keoland)(Pop 2,508)[TWN]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 14,33
Middlemead, March of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 14,19,33
Mill Creek, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 33
Millen (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
Nimlee, County of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 19,33
Niole Dra {Noile Dra}(Pop 21,600)(Pop 25,000)[TWN][CAP]
SEE Niole Dra Reference List
Nirdal (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
Nume-Eor, Viscounty of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 17,33
LGJ#2 - 29
Plampton (Keoland)(Pop 1,920)[TWN]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 33
Plims Delve (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 14,19,33
Raya, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 33
Regin (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
River Road (Keoland)[STR]
LGJ#4 - 14
Riverwatch, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 33
Royal District (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 10,33
Salinmoor, Viscounty of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 12,16,17,19,33
Saltmarsh [TWN]
DUN#77 - 62
LGJ#1 - 17
U1 - 1-5,9,12,15,23,24,27
U2 - 1-8,20,25,28-30
U3 - 1-9,12,36-38,42,46
Sanduchar (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 13,18,33
LGJ#4 - 20
Sayre, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 33
LGJ#4 - 20
Sedenna, March of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 9,14,19,33
Segor (Keoland)(Pop 4,540)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 10,19,33
LGJ#4 - 14
Silglen {Silglin}(Keoland)(Pop 780)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 15,33
LGJ#4 - 20
Tower Road (Keoland)[STR]
LGJ#4 - 14,17
Westgate, Barony of (Keoland)[PRV]
LGJ#1 - 33
Woodsage (Keoland)[TWN]
LGJ#1 - 33
LGJ#4 - 20
Thursday, February 27, 2020
City - Niole Dra References
City - Niole Dra References
Niole Dra {Noile Dra}(Pop 21,600)(Pop 25,000)[TWN][CAP]
ATG - 70
COG:FFF - 38
DRG#167 - 11
DRG#225 - 49
DRG#241 - 76,80
DRG#264 - 50
DRG#AN4 - 20
FTAA - 29,38,64
GA - 96
GW:ADV - 15
LGG - 50,63,64,65,66,88,107,117,119,121,135,153,163
LGJ#1 - 6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,29,33
LGJ#2 - 31
LGJ#3 - 27
LGJ#4 - 12,13,14,15,21,29
LGJ#5 - 29,31
TSB - 34
WG8 - 28
WGA4 - 49,56
WGG - 12
WGR5 - 4
WOGA - 27,55
Blind Quarter (Niole Dra)[QTR]
LGJ#1 - 11
Cathedral of Delight
SEE Sotillon, Temple of (Niole Dra)[TMP]
Court of the Land
SEE Niole Dra, Council of
Lydia, Temple of (Niole Dra)[TMP]
DRG#92 - 23
Merchant District (Niole Dra)[QTR]
LGJ#1 - 29
Niole Dra, Council of {Court of the Land}[ORG]
LGG - 65,66,88,135
LGJ#1 - 8,9,10,11,13,14,15,17,18,19
LGJ#2 - 31
LGJ#3 - 27
LGJ#4 - 12,13
LGJ#5 - 31
Niole Dra, Treaty of [TRT]
FTAA - 7
LGG - 60,66,117,119
Noble District (Niole Dra)[QTR]
LGJ#1 - 29
Sotillon, Tempel of {Cathedral of Delight}(Niole Dra)[TMP]
DRG#264 - 50
Wizards, Guild of (Niole Dra)[GLD]
DRG#241 - 80
Niole Dra {Noile Dra}(Pop 21,600)(Pop 25,000)[TWN][CAP]
ATG - 70
COG:FFF - 38
DRG#167 - 11
DRG#225 - 49
DRG#241 - 76,80
DRG#264 - 50
DRG#AN4 - 20
FTAA - 29,38,64
GA - 96
GW:ADV - 15
LGG - 50,63,64,65,66,88,107,117,119,121,135,153,163
LGJ#1 - 6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,29,33
LGJ#2 - 31
LGJ#3 - 27
LGJ#4 - 12,13,14,15,21,29
LGJ#5 - 29,31
TSB - 34
WG8 - 28
WGA4 - 49,56
WGG - 12
WGR5 - 4
WOGA - 27,55
Blind Quarter (Niole Dra)[QTR]
LGJ#1 - 11
Cathedral of Delight
SEE Sotillon, Temple of (Niole Dra)[TMP]
Court of the Land
SEE Niole Dra, Council of
Lydia, Temple of (Niole Dra)[TMP]
DRG#92 - 23
Merchant District (Niole Dra)[QTR]
LGJ#1 - 29
Niole Dra, Council of {Court of the Land}[ORG]
LGG - 65,66,88,135
LGJ#1 - 8,9,10,11,13,14,15,17,18,19
LGJ#2 - 31
LGJ#3 - 27
LGJ#4 - 12,13
LGJ#5 - 31
Niole Dra, Treaty of [TRT]
FTAA - 7
LGG - 60,66,117,119
Noble District (Niole Dra)[QTR]
LGJ#1 - 29
Sotillon, Tempel of {Cathedral of Delight}(Niole Dra)[TMP]
DRG#264 - 50
Wizards, Guild of (Niole Dra)[GLD]
DRG#241 - 80
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Gnomes in the Flanaess
Gnomes in the Flanaess
Asherm (Gnome)[3eExp2][NPC]
RT1-4 - 16
Atanasoff (Gnome) [C5][NPC]
SLV - 65,66
Baervan Wildwanderer (Gnome)[Deity]
FTAA - 96
LGJ#3 - 17
LOG - 70
UA - 117,122
Baravar Cloakshadow (Gnome)[Deity]
FTAA - 96
LGJ#3 - 18
LOG - 70
Basher Grundig (Gnome)[F6][3eF6][NPC]
LGJ#2 - 7
TAB - 112
Blaif Rinnar (Gnome)[3eF6/Ro2][NPC]
LGG - 64
LGJ#1 - 19
Dophdar (Gnome)[I6][NPC]
COG:C# - 7
Dweren Sveer (Gnome)(Drd4)[NPC]
DUN#85 - 35
Endoble Mistikmore (Gnome)[I10][NPC]
WG12 - 10,15,30,38,46,47,51,55,56,57
Farid Babel-Oued (Gnome)[NPC]
I9 - 28
Firre Orlenac (Gnome)[3eF3/C4][NPC]
RT1-4 - 71,74,171,172
Fischer, Grimmri (Gnome)[T8][NPC]
COG:FFF - 69-72,84
FTAA - 15
FTAC - 71
LGJ#2 - 5
PGTG - 48
TAB - 127
Flandal Steelskin (Gnome)[Deity]
FTAA - 96
LGJ#3 - 17
LOG - 70
UA - 118,122
Foreman Fenrous (Gnome)[NPC]
TAB - 123
Furduch Na'Gwayler (Laird)(Gnome)[F5][NPC]
S4B1 - 9,10
WG4 - 3
Gaerdal Ironhand (Gnome)[Deity]
FTAA - 96
LGJ#3 - 18
LOG - 70
Garl Glittergold (Gnome)[Deity]
DRG#291 - 40
DRG#294 - 74
FTAA - 96
LGG - 19
LGJ#3 - 16
LOG - 70
UA - 117,118
Garlan Baranmare (Gnome)[F7/I7][NPC]
FTAC - 28
Garraldson, Gundri (Gnome)[T9][NPC]
COG:FFF - 42,43
LGJ#2 - 5
TAB - 126,127
Gleed (Gnome)[I10/T10][NPC]
AOE - 114,118,119,150,175
WGR5 - 90
Gnome Vale [TWN]
S4B1 - 9
WG4 - 3,4
Gnomeburg (Verbobonc)[QTR]
WGA4 - 34,35,36
Herrifen Family (Gnome)[CLN]
WGR4 - 22
Hilewys Gnome Palace (Verbobonc)[INN]
WG8 - 94
Imiric Von Sus-Varren (Gnome)[F11/I12][NPC]
WGA4 - 14,89,90,91,92,93,95
Jarl (Gnome)(Male)[I4][NPC]
I1 - 28
Jawan Sumber (Gnome)[3erog5/M15][NPC]
COG:FFF - 32
DRG#285 - 66
TAB - 12,103
Jimm (House of)(Gnome)[CLN]
WG8 - 95
Kabyle (Gnome)[F5/I2][NPC]
RWPM - 17,28
Keak Breedbate of Nithe (Gnome)[F5/T10][NPC]
D1-2 - 22
Kemp Consum (Gnome)[F7/I7][NPC]
ATG - 50
Miral Cutterfro (Gnome)(Female)[NPC]
WGA4 - 35
Mistikmore Family (Gnome)[CLN]
WG12 - 15
Moirisun (Gnome)[NPC]
RWPM - 28,29
Naddy Tomanloft (Gnome)[3eCom1][NPC]
RT1-4 - 15,16
Natch Metalmeshweaver (Gnome)[F1/I1][NPC]
TD - 10,11,14
Nierethi Poscurian (Gnome)[3eIl4][NPC]
RT1-4 - 10,13,14,165
Nightfear (Gnome)[M12][NPC]
RWPM - 2,4,7,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,40
Noblock (Gnome)[T5/I4][NPC]
COG:FFF - 82,84
Oasen (Gnome)[F7/M2][NPC]
RWPM - 23
Phanto Klerday (Gnome)[NPC]
POLY#58 - 12,13,15,16,18
Raynald Shortfellow (Gnome)[I6][NPC]
WGR2 - 5,6
Rogan (Gnome)[As1][NPC]
L2 - 3,21
Roykyn the Merciless (Gnome)[Deity][NPC]
LGJ#3 - 14,19
Saprophis (Gnome)[NPC]
RWPM - 30,45,50,51,52,53
Segojan Earthcaller (Gnome)[Deity]
FTAA - 96
LGJ#3 - 17
LOG - 70
UA - 117,118,122
Seraktikor Drantaki (Gnome)(Exp9)[NPC]
DUN#85 - 35
Shinemaster Family (Gnome)[CLN]
WGR4 - 22
Snirthiglin (Gnome)[NPC]
WG8 - 93
Social Graces Among the Gnomes [BK]
WGR1 - 63
Thall (Gnome)[M3][NPC]
RWPM - 30
Til Stoneglitter (Gnome)[F1][NPC]
WG8 - 116
Urthgan (The Eldest)(Gnome)[3eI7/F2][NPC]
LGG - 132,146
TAB - 37
Uvalnoniz Gnome clan [CLN]
WG4 - 3
Vargannos Ache-feet (Gnome)[F8][NPC]
WGA4 - 35,36,51,52
Viigo (Deep Gnome)(F6)[NPC]
DG - 78
Wonillon (Wonnilon)(Gnome)[F4/T4][NPC]
T1-4 - 57
) Gnome's Speak
Elf, Drow
Gnome Populations can be found in...
- Bone March - (Few in Flinty Hills)
- Cairn Hills - (thousands)
- Celene - (3,500)
- Dreadwood - (1,000+)
- Flinty Hills -
- Gamboge Forest - (3,000)
- Gnarley Forest - (3,000)
- Good Hills -
- Headlands -
- Hestmark Highlands -
- Hollow Highlands -
- Iron Hills -
- Keoland -
- Kron Hills - (20,000)
- Lorridges -
- Lortmil Mountains -
- Nyrond -
- Ratik - (3,000+)
- Stark Mounds -
- Sterich -
- Sunndi - (2,000+)
- Ulek (County) - (5,000)
- Ulek (Duchy) -
- Ulek (Principality) -
- Urnst (Duchy) - (3,000)
- Valley of the Mage -
- Veluna - (7,000)
- Verbobonc - (4,000)
- Vesve Forest - (6,000)
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Adventure (Seed) - The Dream Barracks of the Brain Assassins
I've recently started delving into Frog God Games Tome of Adventure Design and I'm experimenting with the location generator. The Tome is a fantastic resource either as a series of random generators or a detailed list of plot types, adventure ideas, potential monsters, items or simply a list of useful descriptions.
The location generator gives me a bit of a Small World flashback so the creation of adventure seeds from the Tome seems a bit tongue in cheek and if I had any skill at humor I'd use it here.
Adventure (Seed) - The Dream Barracks of the Brain Assassins
The Mind Flayer culture is dark and mysterious. Their language is strange and unoerthly, their society seems fragmented as they are found frequently in enclaves or individually among other societies but with no cities or nation of their own.
One legend says that they came down from Luna ages ago and their true home is there. Other speak of other planes or the Outer Void where terrible creatures of evil and madness dwell and that Mind Flayers are some combination of these beings with humanity.
Whatever the truth is Mind Flayers are a power within the Flanaess and the Brain Assassins are a power among the Mind Flayers.
Their leader, C'Reln, is said to be incredibly old and if his body dies he is reborn from a hidden chamber within a fortress called the "Dream barracks" whose location is known only to the leaders of the Brain Assassins.
The Brain Assassins operate mainly among other Mind Flayer's and Drow whose society is most openly populated by the creatures. There is a guildhouse of sorts in the major Drow cities, Erelhei-Cinlu, Urlisindatu, and other less known enclaves. A secret guildhouse is rumored to be in Rel Astra, Highport and even the City of Greyhawk.
The "Dream Barracks" is in actuality a place within the mind of each Mind Flayer. These creatures have something of a shared consciousness but it requires the use of a powerful magic item to activate among them. Those who belong to the Brain Assassins bear upon them a fragment of such an item allowing them to share consciousness with each other within a certain radius, said to be mere yards by some, but evidence points to perhaps a mile.
The location generator gives me a bit of a Small World flashback so the creation of adventure seeds from the Tome seems a bit tongue in cheek and if I had any skill at humor I'd use it here.
Adventure (Seed) - The Dream Barracks of the Brain Assassins
The Mind Flayer culture is dark and mysterious. Their language is strange and unoerthly, their society seems fragmented as they are found frequently in enclaves or individually among other societies but with no cities or nation of their own.
One legend says that they came down from Luna ages ago and their true home is there. Other speak of other planes or the Outer Void where terrible creatures of evil and madness dwell and that Mind Flayers are some combination of these beings with humanity.
Whatever the truth is Mind Flayers are a power within the Flanaess and the Brain Assassins are a power among the Mind Flayers.
Their leader, C'Reln, is said to be incredibly old and if his body dies he is reborn from a hidden chamber within a fortress called the "Dream barracks" whose location is known only to the leaders of the Brain Assassins.
The Brain Assassins operate mainly among other Mind Flayer's and Drow whose society is most openly populated by the creatures. There is a guildhouse of sorts in the major Drow cities, Erelhei-Cinlu, Urlisindatu, and other less known enclaves. A secret guildhouse is rumored to be in Rel Astra, Highport and even the City of Greyhawk.
The "Dream Barracks" is in actuality a place within the mind of each Mind Flayer. These creatures have something of a shared consciousness but it requires the use of a powerful magic item to activate among them. Those who belong to the Brain Assassins bear upon them a fragment of such an item allowing them to share consciousness with each other within a certain radius, said to be mere yards by some, but evidence points to perhaps a mile.
Friday, February 21, 2020
City - City of Hawk's - Enlarging the City of Greyhawk
City - City of Hawk's - Enlarging the City of Greyhawk
Years ago I began working on a smaller version of Gygax's Greyhawk City from his City of Hawks novel. Today I see the city as much, much larger than depicted in either the City of Greyhawk Boxed set, or the map from Living Greyhawk Journal #2 and the population much, much larger than that given in the various Greyhawk setting source material from the Folio through the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer.
In the 'City of Hawks' novel the scale of Greyhawk is monstrous. If the map is 3 miles to the inch then the city is roughly 6 miles across and 9 miles top to bottom. 54 square miles within the walls and over 30 miles of walls, well over if the inner Old City wall, the Foreign Quarter wall, and the Bastion fortifications are included. And, for the most part, these are not a single set of walls, but a double set, so 60 miles of walls along the outer edges.
"A double wall encircled the city. All of Greyhawk - Old City, the larger area called New Town and the Citadel too were within it. The outer curtain was some twenty-five feet high. This wall splayed out at the base where it met a ditch, or moat, or some other watercourse, and was topped with serried merlons and crenels to protect defenders in time of war.
Between the outer and inner walls was a relatively level sward a hundred or more feet broad. The outside edge of this strip of grass was level with the battlements that topped the outer wall. The crowning stone of the inner wall was much higher. The city had been built on a large hill - not especially high, but large in area. Those on the sward between the walls could look upward forty feet to where machicolated battlements stood topping the massively thick curtains of the inner wall. At intervals there were bastions on the outer wall, and matching them on the inside were tall towers.
Wherever the walls were pierced by gates, the sward was broken. Every way that led into the city resembled a road at the bottom of a canyon. Travelers from the outside would pass through a gatehouse first, then a long passage, open above, but flanked by walls on either hand; then a tunnel that bored through another, bigger tower."
Even if guard towers were only 2 per mile that would be 120 guard towers. There are also 11 exterior gates running through this double set of walls, each with an outerwall gatehouse, and an innerwall gate tower. I would say the minimum number of guards per gatehouse would be 30 and at least 30 more for the tower (which would leave only 10 men on duty at either end of the gateway at a given time). That would be 660 guards for the exterior gates.
Between the double walls there is a 100ft sward and these are broken by fortifications that run along the road between the inner and outer gates. From 1 to 2 companys of cavalry patrol these areas (again 30 to 60 men). If we take the minimum of 1 company, which is around 30 men, with only 10 on duty at any given time, then we add an additional 330 guards.
So, at bare minimum there are nearly 1,000 guards needed for the walls of the city, not counting the Bastion fortification, the Citadel, The inner wall or gates between the Old City and the New or the gate and wall to the Foreign Quarter. This is not a number dependent on the square miles of the city area or the perimeter of the outer wall.
Now, add 5 guards simply patrolling every mile of wall, triple that to 15 for on and off duty, add some type of officer or non-com and double that for the double wall and it is another 40 guards per perimeter mile, or 1,200 additional guardsmen for the size of the city depicted in City of Hawks.
Add in the Citadel, Inner gates and walls, and the Bastion fortification and the minimum force of guardsman is passing several thousand.
To man the walls and gates would be a very expensive proposition for the city so my thoughts turned toward the towers and gates having a guard made from the people of the city; guilds and religious orders. Each guild would have its own militia training and some its members would be responsible for maintaining and manning specific towers and sections of wall. The same could be done with religious orders and my thought was to have each city gate manned by a militia with some clerical assistance of specific deities.
As I mentioned my idea about nine years ago was to decrease the size of the City of Greyhawk, but I no longer envision a street by street, building by building map of the city. I see Greyhawk now as a monstrous city, as large as a DM wants it to be. I'm thinking of Imperial Rome with a sprawling population and people from across the Empire and beyond inhabiting its homes, shops and streets. I want specifics on small details, people, shops, towers, streets all detailed but beyond that detailed street something new and undiscovered, adventures waiting to happen, new people to meet, new worlds to explore, all within the walls of Greyhawk.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Halflings of the Flanaess
Halflings of the Flanaess
Alamant Bounder (Halfling)[NPC]
LGJ#5 - 4
Allentar (Halfling)[T12][NPC]
WGA4 - 14,89-93,95
Alphon (Halfling)[3eExp3][NPC]
RT1-4 - 15
Arvoreen (Halfling)[Deity]
DRG#262 - 42
FTAA - 80,96
LGJ#3 - 17
LOG - 70
UA - 115,116,122
Athemal (Halfling)[NPC]
RT1-4 - 122,179
Bellod (Halfling)[NPC]
A1-4 - 6
Blodgett the Survivor (Halfling)[T5][T7][NPC]
A1 - 20,21
A1-4 - 128
A2 - 38,39
A3 - 23,24,25,26,27
A4 - HO,22
SLV - 2
Bornthien (Halfling)[NPC]
A1-4 - 13
Brandobaris (Halfling)[Deity]
DRG#262 - 42
FTAA - 96
LGJ#3 - 9,18
LOG - 70
UA - 114,115,116,122
Brenja Longbaker (Halfling)[NPC]
LGJ#4 - 9
TAB - 94
Bundis (Halfling)[NPC]
WGQ1 - 10,11
Charmalaine (Lucky Ghost)(Halfling)[Deity][NPC]
DRG#299 - 102
LGJ#3 - 9,19
Cyrrollalee {Cyrroallaelee}(Halfling)[Deity]
DRG#262 - 42,43
FTAA - 96
LGJ#3 - 17
LOG - 70
UA - 116,122
Descritad (Halfling)[Rog3/Bbn3][NPC]
RT1-4 - 54,55,170
Diggdeep (Halfling)[CLN]
NA - 167
Diggerly (Halfling)[CLN]
NA - 167
Diggson (Halfling)[CLN]
NA - 167
Diggwell Biffson (Biff)(Halfling)[NPC]
AOE - 132,133,137,139,141,142,144-146,152-154,196,197,200
NA - 167,174-178,184,186-191,193-198
Dudley Talbot (Mouse)(Halfling)[T2][NPC]
RKB - 12,13,19,40
Dugwall (Halfling)[CLN]
NA - 167
Dunil (Halfling)[T9][NPC]
S4B1 - 31,32
Finney Goodbarrel (Halfling)[3eRog1][NPC]
FAT - 11,12,29
Gavin (Halfling)(Male)[T6][NPC]
I1 - 28
Glenda Silvertoe (Halfling)[T11][NPC]
TAB - 119
Gormadoc (Halfling)[T5][T9][NPC]
ROG - 42
SLV - 35,37,39,48,60,106
Griswald Hairhand (Halfling)[T15][NPC]
DRG#262 - 43
WGR5 - 90
Halfhigh (Halfling)[NPC]
Halfhigh's Mead and Ale (Rauxes)[INN]
WG8 - 71
Halfling Blight [CAL]
FTAC - 13
Hanna Blackhand (Rog6)(Halfling)(Female)[NPC]
WGS1 - 11,35
Hesselwhite (Halfling)[T2][NPC]
RKB - 37
Hoetoe Family (Halfling)[CLN]
A1-4 - 13
Joman Dart (Halfling)[3eCom2][NPC]
RT1-4 - 9,12,14,15,16,145
Kaldair Swiftfoot (Halfling)[Deity]
LOG - 70
Kent (Halfling)[T10][NPC]
SLV - 14,20,106,107
Lara Lightfingers (Halfling)[NPC]
Lily (Halfling)[NPC]
WGQ1 - 19,24
Mara Hardiggin (Halfling)(Female)[NPC]
WG8 - 34,124
Permen Merrifoot (Halfling)[T3][NPC]
DRG#262 - 40,43
Pontus Hardiggin (Halfling)[NPC]
DRG#262 - 38
GA - 101
Professor (Halfling)[T15][NPC]
WG10 - 3,16,27,28,32
Questin Himmble (Halfling)[3e Bbn2/Rog2][NPC]
RT1-4 - 11,12,13,14,166
Revv Aair (Halfling)[NPC]
A1-4 - 5,6,7
Ruskin (Halfling)(Male)[F1/T1][NPC]
N1 - 3,28
Sheela Paryroyl (Halfling)[Deity]
DRG#262 - 42,43
FTAA - 96
LGJ#3 - 17
LOG - 70
UA - 114,115,122
Slu Tippy (Halfling)[T7][NPC]
I7 - 18
Talf the Daring (Halfling)[F4/T5][NPC]
WG11 - 6,10
Talfor Hemlis (Halfling)[NPC]
WGQ1 - 12
Theodore Dobbins (Halfling)[T1][T2][T4][NPC]
U1 - 29
U2 - 31
U3 - 45
Twembly (Graf)(Halfling)[NPC]
WGQ1 - 2,3,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,20,22,23,24,25,26,27
Urgolan (Halfling)[Deity]
LOG - 70
Whiteburrow (Goody)(Halfling)[NPC]
LOG - 49,106
Windsor Greenshade (Halfling)[F5/T6][NPC]
DRG#262 - 38,40,43
Yondalla {Yondolla}(Halfling)[Deity]
DRG#262 - 42,43
DRG#294 - 79
FTAA - 96
LGG - 19
LGJ#3 - 16
LOG - 70
UA - 114,115,116
Halflings noted population centers
- Cairn Hills -
- Celene -
- Dreadwood -
- Flinty Hills -
- Gamboge Forest -
- Good Hills -
- Grandwood Forest -
- Hollow Highlands -
- Keoland -
- Lortmil Mountains - (Few)
- Nyrond -
- Sterich -
- Ulek (County) - (4,000)
- Ulek (Principality) -
- Urnst (County) - (3,000)
- Urnst (Duchy) - (5,000)
- Vesve Forest -
- Yeomanry -
)Halfling Language is spoken by...
Elf, Half
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