Saturday, November 30, 2019
NPC - Rackhir Hero of the Horned Society
NPC - Rackhir Hero of the Horned Society
It is said that warriors of the Horned Society once were men but are no longer. Rackhir could answer that question but he'd be more likely to kill anyone who asked the question. There are many humans in the land of the Hierarchs but most are slaves and the rest are mercenaries or agents which need to deal with other humans of others nations, such as the Bandit Kingdoms or spies and assassins posing as merchants who travel the Flanaess. The Hierarchs have agents everywhere.
Rackhir is huige in his armor and if he is awake and outside his tent or small manor he is in armor. The faded red armor is not cast from metal but shaped from the scales of some demon out of the abyss. It provides him great protection and immunity to non-magical weapons as well as fire. He rarely carrier s a weapon instead preferring to use the gauntlets of the same demonic chitin as his other armor pieces.
Rackhir is very high in the warrior caste of the Horned Society and often serves as an escort and warden for Hierarchs. Otherwise he commands the Hobgoblin Clan Golden Sun and over 500 Hobgoblin warriors. He has an estate with several hundred slaves that grows some foodstuffs but laso the addictive resin-gum Klot that the Hierarchs feed to the slave population to keep them docile.
NPC - Bergljot Fireheart
NPC - Bergljot Fireheart
Red hair is seen most among the Cruski and redheads are said to be the most fearsome warriors. Bergljot is no exception. She is as tall as the tallest of the Cruski men and uncommonly strong. She is also a berserker, possessed of the sacred rage.
Her father is the outlaw captain Ragnar Wolfsbane though he never wed her mother and she is part of the Fireheart clan, her mother's people. She is called 'Bear' openly by those close to her and behind her back by those who have met her.
She wears little armor and her berserker nature helps protect her against most minor wounds and the great two-handed ax she wields tends to keep most combatants beyond arms reach.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Project - Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - Buer
Project - Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - Buer
Buer is a Devil and devoted servant to Asmodeus, a commander of Pitfiends. He as been brought to Oerth through the combined power of the Hierarchs of the Horned Society and the sacrifice of a thousand sentient beings.
His time among the Hierarchs is extremely limited and his purpose is to link each Hierarch to a Pit Fiend who will dwell in a burning piece of the Hells worn as an amulet by each Hierarch to be brought forth only in dire necessity.
This is only the 2nd time in the last century that Buer has been called from the first layer of the nine Hells. A great war is brewing between the Devils, Demons and Daemons. Buer commands hundreds of Pit Fiends as well as lesser Devils but he knows that the Abyss swarms with Demons and is greatly displeased to lose any of them to the Hierarchs, but Asmodeus commands and he obeys.
While immensely powerful Buer is at his weakest while on Oerth and a Demonic force is set to decend upon him at any moment to cage him and have him brought to the Abyss.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Project - Daemons and Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - Reference List Part 3
Project - Daemons and Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - Reference List Part 3
Abigor (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Adonides (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Adramelech (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Agares (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Alastor (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Alocer (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Amduscias (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Amon (Devil)[NPC]
CED - 237
MMII - 44,45
Asmodeus (Devil)[Deity]
COH - 30
DMG1 - 198
DOD - 314
MMI - 20,21
MMII - 44,45,47,48
NA - 384,385,395,396
Baalberith (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Baalphegor (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Baalzebul (Devil)[Deity]
DMG1 - 198
L3 - 3-7,11,22,23
MMI - 20
MMII - 44,45,46,48
ROG - 42
Baalzebul, Temple of [TMP]
L3 - 22
Baalzephon (Devil)[NPC]
DRG#206 - 43
MMII - 44
Bael (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44,46
Barbas (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Barbatos (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Barbas (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Barbatos (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Bathym (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Bel (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Bele (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Belial (Devil)[NPC]
LGG - 184
MMII - 44,45,46
Bensozia (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Bethage (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Biffant (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Bifrons (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Bileth (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Bitru (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Buer (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Bune (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Caarcrinolaas (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Chamo (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Cozbi (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Dispater (Devil)[NPC]
I9 - 8
MMI - 21,22
MMII - 44,45,47,49
Fecor (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Focalor (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Furcas (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Gaziel (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Geryon (Devil)[NPC]
DMG1 - 164
MMI - 22
MMII - 44,45,46
Glasya (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44,47
Goap (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Gorson (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Herobaal (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Herodias (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Hutijin (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44,47
Kaathbaen (Devil)[NPC]
CED - 237
Lilis (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Lilith (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Machalas (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Malphas (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Mammon (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44,45,46,47
Martinet (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Melchon (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Mephistopheles (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44,45,47,48
Merodach (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Moloch (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44,45,46,48
Morax (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Naome (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Neabaz (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Nexroth (Demon)(devil)[NPC]
DOD - 245
MMII - 44
Phongor (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Rimmon (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Skirpus (Bone Devil)[NPC]
L3 - 7,20,22
Tartach (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Titivilus (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44,49
Vezenor (Barbed Devil)[NPC]
L3 - 6,7,16,18,19,22
Zaebos (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Zagum (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Zapan (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Zepar (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Zimimar (Devil)[NPC]
MMII - 44
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Project - Daemons and Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - Reference List Part 2
Project - Daemons and Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - Reference List Part 2
Abat-Dolor {Nine Clans of Pain}(Demon)[CLN]
DOD - 124-131,133-143,145,147,149-151,160-164,167,169,174,175,185,186,188,198,221,236,354,368
Abraxas (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 52,146,156
DOD - 75,170,172,177
MMII - 35
Agadin (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 87
Ahazu (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Ahrimanes (Demon)[NPC]
LGJ#5 - 9
MMII - 35
Aldinach (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Alrunes (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Anarazel (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Ansitif (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Apepi (Lord)(Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 250,251
Arachne The Spider Queen (Demon)[Deity]
DOD - 220
Ardat (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Areex (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 199
MMII - 35
Arendagrost (Demon)[NPC]
DRG#290 - 103
Arioch (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 368
MMII - 44
Aseroth (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Asima (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Astaroth (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Azael (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Azazel {Azazael}(Demon)[NPC]
CED - 52
DOD - 75,170
MMII - 35
SOD - 21
Azrial (Demon)[NPC]
DUN#13 - 4,17
Baltazo (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Baphomet (Demon)[Deity]
CED - 50,149,150,151,156
DOD - 170,172,176,186,199,220
DRG#270 - 66,71
MMII - 35,36
S4B2 - 6
Barbu (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Bayemon (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Bechard (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Bulumuz (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 52
DOD - 75,91,170,245,340,341
SOD - 21
Cabiri (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Cagrino (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 170,172,176
Charun (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Chidun (Demon)[NPC]
SOD - 21
D'Gran (Half-Demon/Half-Ogre mage)[NPC]
RT1-4 - 52-56,171
Dein (Half-Demon/Half-Stone Giant)[NPC]
RT1-4 - 140,141,184
Demogorgon (Demon Lord){Ahmon-ibor}[NPC]
CED - 44,52,55,57,144,146,147,148,149,150,152,153,154
COLTM - 31
DMG1 - 197
DOD -45,46,67,73,74,75,76,77,78,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89
DRG#270 - 71
DRG#290 - 102,103
DRG#291 - 5,87,90,91,92,93,94,98
EW - 29,36,37,38
MMI - 16,17
MMII - 35,39
OCA - 18
RT1-4 - 4
S4B2 - 8
TSB - 63
Drath (Cambion Demon)[NPC]
DRG#292 - 72
CED - 52
DOD - 75
MMII - 35
Eblitis (Demon)[NPC]
SOD - 21
Elazalag (Princess)(Demon)[NPC]
DOD -126-143,145,161-164,166,167,176
Ereshkigal (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Fiend-Sage {Fiend Sage}(Demon)[NPC]
DRG#292 - 96
DRG#294 - 91
DRG#295 - 5,91,92
DRG#297 - 90
LGG - 91,93
LGJ#1 - 20
LGJ#2 - 1,20
LGJ#3 - 3,20,23
LGJ#4 - 1,17,22
LGJ#5 - 1,22
Fraz-Urb'luu (Demon Ruler)[NPC]
COG:C# - 10
DRG#270 - 67
DRG#299 - 102
MMII - 35,39
S4B2 - 7,8
TAB - 75
Grazz't {Graz'zt}(Demon)[Deity]
AOE - 91-98,190,192,303,304,310,331,333,340
CED - 39,44,45,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,146,147
COH - 393
DOD - 13,14,15,44,45,46,63,67,69,71,72,74,75,76,77,79,80,82,83
DRG#64 - 13
DRG#225 - 51,52
DRG#233 - 27
DRG#264 - 47
DRG#270 - 65
DRG#294 - 27
DRG#299 - 103
DUN#13 - 17
LGG - 63,173,182
MMII - 35,39,40
PGTG - 24
RTO8 - 10,55,56
S4B1 - 2
S4B2 - 8
SOD - 9-13,16-29,31,79-82,84-93,95,134,136,139,272,273,360,
WGR5 - 3,16,17,46,72,75,84,91,92,93,94
WGR6 - 38
WOGA - 75
Gresil (Demon)[NPC]
DRG#294 - 97
MMII - 35
Gsstarkaneth (Hezrou Demon)[NPC]
DRG#295 - 92
Gulcar (Raloog Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 99,100,101
Haskruble (Demon)[NPC]
COH - 30,31
Hippokeres (Demon Horse)[MON]
DOD - 128,186
Iuz The Old {Izu}(Cambion Demon)[Deity]
A1-4 - 23
AOE - 7,87,88,90-98,116,117,124,187-194,218,219,227,229,
ATG - 89
BC - 3,30,33,36,45,57,63,67,68,69,92,96,119,128,151,181
CED - 11,12,37,39,40,46,47,52,54,55,58,240,248,295,296,297
COG:C# - 4,18
COG:FFF - 7,21,80
COH - 393
COLTM - 15
DOD - 12,13,14,42,45,46,47,63,67,74,75,76,77,91,101,102,115
DRG#37 - 10
DRG#52 - 20
DRG#56 - 18,19,20,22
DRG#67 - 25,26
DRG#191 - 64,65,66,68
DRG#195 - 96
DRG#200 - 70
DRG#204 - 55
DRG#205 - 13
DRG#206 - 43
DRG#208 - 54
DRG#225 - 52
DRG#233 - 92,93
DRG#236 - 13
DRG#253 - 45
DRG#256 - 48,49,50
DRG#262 - 38,39,40,43
DRG#263 - 51
DRG#264 - 47
DRG#265 - 59,60
DRG#270 - 72,73,75,76
DRG#271 - 58,59,60,75
DRG#276 - 84
DRG#278 - 77,78
DRG#285 - 72
DRG#287 - 26
DRG#290 - 82,98,108
DRG#291 - 98
DRG#294 - 27,28,30,76,92,93,94,95,96
DRG#297 - 92
DRG#298 - 84
DRG#299 - 102,103
DRG#301 - 87
DRG#AN3 - 19,21,22
DRG#AN4 - 17,21
DUN#32 - 61
DUN#53 - 35
DUN#77 - 32,33,49
FTAA - 2,5-8,10,11,13,16,17,1923,25,27-30,32,33,35,
FTAC - 4,6-12,22,31,49,60,62,63,68-72,74,76,84,85
GA - 3,9,14,15,40,47,48,50,88,97
GW:ADV - 2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,14-17,19,20,24-27,29,30,31,32
GW:RB - 8
HART - 3
LGG - IC,4,11,13,15,16,17,21,25,26,27,29,30,31,32,33,34
LGJ#0 - 6,9,10,12
LGJ#1 - 22,28,29,30
LGJ#2 - 19,28
LGJ#3 - 4,13,19,22,23,24,29,30,31
LGJ#5 - 6,29,31
PGTG - 4-7,10-12,18,20-22,24-27,31,36,40,49,55-58
POLY#128 - 29
POLY#129 - 38
RT1-4 - 6,12,15,32,137,190
RTO8 - 2,3,6,9-12,20,21,28,33,35-37,39,52-56,58,59,62
S1 - 2
S4B1 - 2
SAG1 - 46
SLV - 6,10,14,17,18,31,38,41,66,90,95,122
SOD - 13-16,18-23,25,28,29,31,59,66,75-78,80-83,88,89,
SOTT - 1,7,17,34,99,100,107,123,131,136,154,180,188
T1-4 - 3,6,29,44,61,81,82,85,88,92,95,96,98,99,101,102,103,
TAB - 3-7,17,19-23,29-31,33,36,38,59-62,75,80,83,
TD - 7,46
TOH - 3
TSB - 5,23
WG6 - 27
WG8 - 1,95,99,101,102,103,104,127
WG12 - 48
WGA1 - 1,8,12,33,35,36,38,40-50,54,55,58
WGA2 - 7,8,39,43,56,57
WGA3 - 9,44,46,54
WGA4 - 25,26,27,29,32,54,55,60,64,65,66,67,68,74,79
WGG - IC,2,5,6,7,9,10,12,14,19,21,22
WGM1 - 2-6,13,16,17,19,20,22,24,28,29,31,32
WGQ1 - 2,10
WGR1 - 3,12,14,80,82,86
WGR2 - 7,10,11,12
WGR3 - 6,10,33
WGR4 - 1,3,4,5,9,10,11,12,15,17,18,19,20,22,23,26,28,29
WGR6 - 22,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,34,36,37,38,40,41
WGS2 - 7,46,51
WOGA - 9,11,12,21,22,25-27,42,48,50,58,62,64,71,80,
WOGG - 8,10,17,26,32,43,44
Jolana (Bat Demon)[NPC]
RT1-4 - 120,183
Juiblex [Demon]
DMG1 - 164,197
DRG#270 - 68
DRG#AN4 - 70
MMI - 17
MMII - 35
POLY#43 - 27,30
Kerzinen of Rookroost (Baron)(Cambion)[NPC]
WGR5 - 15,51,53,54,56,57,59,74,77,92,96
Kerzit (Demon)[NPC]
WG5 - 12,14,16,20,23,24,26,27
Kostchtchie (Demon)[NPC]
AOE - 340
CED - 49,50,57,149,157
DOD - 68,173,185,191,193,197
DUN#89 - 49
MMII - 35,40
S4B2 - 9
SOD - 10,12,16,18-21,26,80,84
Krung (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 101,102,103,117,118,190,191,193,194,195,196,197,199,200
DOD - 233,234
Laraie (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Levithan (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 173
Lugush (Prince)(Demon)[NPC]
CED - 52
DOD - 75,170
SOD - 21
MacDaer (Cambion Demon)(Male)[NPC]
DUN#13 - 4,6,10,12,15,16,17,64
CED - 39,52,146,147,148,153,157,158,159
DOD - 45,67,73,76,78,80,82,83,87,88,93,96,98,142,148
SOD - 21
Marduk (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 52
DOD - 75,170,172,176,177,220,222,245,368
SOD - 21
Marionnen (Cambion Demon)[NPC]
WGR5 - 46,93
MMII - 35
Meurteenz (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 87
Mist Woman (Demon)[NPC]
DUN#19 - 5,6,9
Munkir (Demon)[NPC]
LGJ#3 - 3
MMII - 35
Mycortte (Princess)(Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 135,139,141
Nekir (Demon)[NPC]
LGJ#3 - 3
MMII - 35
Nergal {Nergel}(Demon)[NPC]
CED - 53,57,150-152
DOD - 67-70,78,81,82,84,88,92,100,184,191,368
MMII - 35
Nexroth (Demon)(devil)[NPC]
DOD - 245
MMII - 44
Nine Chevaliers (Demon)[ORG]
DOD - 128
Nisroch (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 128,129,130,131,135,139,140,141,142,143,144,162,164
Nocticula (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Nql... (Demon Prince)[NPC]
EW - 43
Obox-ob (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Ogrijek (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 53,54,56,151-153,156
Oomkaan (Half-Demon/Half-Kuo-Toa)[3eC4][NPC]
RT1-4 - 92,93,94,174
Oqokashtor (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 87
Orcus (Demon){Tenebrous}[Deity]
CED - 39,52,54,55,150,159,220,244
COH - 30,31
DG - 75,76,84,85
DMG1 - 198
DOD - 45,67,75,91,101,149,170,172,176,199,201,220,221,222
DRG#67 - 25
DRG#258 - 47
DRG#270 - 67
DRG#290 - 103
DRG#291 - 98
DUN#19 - 4
DUN#89 - 47,48,49,50
EW - 29,35,38
GA - 14
LGG - 153
MMI - 17,18
MMII - 35,39
RKB - 2
RTOH - 56,62,76,85,92,95,104
S4B2 - 8
SOD - 20-22
T1-4 - 121
WOGA - 71
Palvlag (Flame-Demon)[NPC]
CED - 53,57,150,151
DOD - 67,78,79,80,83,88,92,100,173,176,184,194
Pazrael (Lord)(Demon)(Fiend)[NPC]
WGR5 - 16,35,38,46,75,84,93,94
Pazuzeus {Pazuzu}(Demon)[NPC]
CED - 45,169,191,255,256,258,260,261,264,265,266,267,268,269
COH - 396,397,398
DOD - 79,218
MMII - 35,41
Poshban (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 87
Pyremius [Deity]
(Blazing Killer, Demon of Venom, Hideous Assassin, Murdering Flame)
COLTM - 2,31
DRG#89 - 20,21
DRG#241 - 49
DRG#299 - 103
GA - 97
LGG - 93,96,168,171,181,183,188
LGJ#3 - 18
LOG - 25,65,67,68,79,108,112
ONW1-01 - 8,10
ONW1-06 - 4-7,9,10
PGTG - 20,21
POLY#139 - 20
SLV - 84,85,90,94,95
T1-4 - 120
TSB - 9-11,13,14,16-18,21,64,75,78,79
WGR5 - 45,64
WOGA - 64
Shabriri (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 169,191,255,256,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,
COH - 396,397,398
DOD - 79,218
Sindol (General)(Cambion Demon)[NPC]
AOE - 189
WGR5 - 15,16,25,94,95
WGR6 - 27
CED - 52
DOD - 75,170
MMII - 35
Soneillon (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Szhublox (Demon)[Deity]
CED - 52,55,147,157
DOD - 75,140,167,170,178,199
SOD - 17-19,22,24,28,82,89,356
Talonclasp (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 41,42,45,46,47
Thang (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 171
Trobbo-Gotath (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 155
Uliel (Demon)[NPC]
SOD - 359
Ushbalator the Chaos Horror (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 39
Utmodoch (Demondand)[NPC]
CED - 158,160
COH - 32,33,34,35
Var-Az-Hloo (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 52,56,146,149,156,158
DOD - 75,91,170,172
SOD - 21
Vastyi The Master Toad [Demon][NPC]
DOD - 67,85,88,98,99,100,185
Verin (Demon)[NPC]
MMII - 35
Vloorm (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 87
Volophpn (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 87
Vuron (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 12,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54
DOD - 14,15,45,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,75,77,78,79,80,81
SOD - 11,12,86-95,368-372,381,383,391
Yach-Tek (Cambion Demon)[NPC]
LGJ#1 - 20
LGJ#5 - 22
A1-4 - 95
A3 - 6,7
AOE - 95,340
CED - 49,50,57,150
DMG1 - 198
DOD - 73,82,84,173,177,185,191
DRG#270 - 66
FTAA - 96
LGJ#1 - 24
MMI - 19
MMII - 35,36
ONW1-04 - 4
S4B2 - 6
SLV - 92
SOD - 9,10,16-18,20,22,26,84
WG10 - 3,12,14,15
Yognath (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 233,234,235
Yuibiri (Demon)[NPC]
SOD - 21
Zengrunddin (Demon)[NPC]
WGR5 - 38
Zensher (Cambion Demon)[NPC]
WGR6 - 27,32,38,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,56
Zerkaar (Demon)[NPC]
DOD - 87
Zomar (Demon)[NPC]
SOD - 21
Zortolagon (Demon)[NPC]
CED - 39
Project - Daemons and Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - Part 1 Daemons
Project - Daemons and Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - Reference List
Part 1
Anthraxus the Decayed (Daimon)(Oinodaemon)[Deity]
AOE - 233,234
COH - 62
MMII - 27,29,30
Bocheiris (Daemon)[NPC]
NA - 45,46
Brucilosu (Daemon)(Diseased One)[NPC]
DOD - 50,146,147,150
Bubonis (Daemon)[NPC]
MMII - 30
Charon (Daemon)[NPC]
MMII - 28,29
Cholerix (Daemon)[NPC]
MMII - 30
Diptherius (Daemon)[NPC]
MMII - 30
Eight Diseased Ones (Daemons)[ORG]
CED - 239,242,244
COH - 357,358,360,362,363,392,393
DOD - 49,96,98,102,146,151
Ilenz (Daemon)[NPC]
CED - 171,172
Karuglamurin (Guardian Daemon)[NPC]
I7 - 30
Pneumonias (Daemon)[NPC]
COH - 362
Poxpanus (Daemon)[NPC]
COH - 57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,70
Putriptoq (Daemon)[NPC]
AOE - 184,185
Rheachan (Daemon)[NPC]
COH - 60,61,62,63,64,65
Tul-Oc-Luc (Arcanadaemon)[NPC]
WG6 - 44
Typhus (Daemon)[NPC]
MMII - 30
Virulex (Daemon)[NPC]
COH - 358,360,362
Zender (Daemon)[NPC]
COG:C# - 8,13
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
NPC - Ragnar Wolfsbane - Mercenary Captain
NPC - Ragnar Wolfsbane - Mercenary Captain
Ragnar Wolfsbane is an exiled Schnai warrior but so ferocious and esteemed a leader he atracts followers like crows to a battlefield. Many Schnai warriors seek him out to join his band. He can be found from the Solnor Ocean to Densac Gulf with a small fleet of Longships, but he is no raider. Ragnar instead sells his sword and those of his followers to any who will pay.
He is reknowned for his Silver-Sword and silvered armor, powerfully enchanted. Ragnar's family were killed by werewolves and he cannot abide lycanthropes of any sort. His sword, Moonkissed can detect werewolves and is a powerful weapon against them. His armor grants him immunity from their curse and weakens any werewolf that he comabts with. He wears the flayed hide of a great greywolf as his cloak.
Currently it is said he commands seven longship and a varied band of three hundred warriors.
Monday, November 25, 2019
NPC - Izel, Ixtli, Ohtli, and Meztli - Great Libray of Greyhawk
NPC - Izel, Ixtli, Ohtli, and Meztli - Great Libray of Greyhawk
Brought back from the Tamoachan Expedition these Beholders are ancient beings frozen in time and reanimated through the auspices of the Grey College.
Their language is ancient Olman but they have learned much of the Common Tongue and spend a great deal of their time reading.
Perhaps their most remarkable attribute is that they are naturally invisibile.
Ixtli, Ohtli and Meztli are triplets while Izel is much, much older and tends to boss the other three around. It is Izel who is the most dangerous and close to breaking the enchantments that bind them to the servitude of the Chief Librarian and the Grey College
NPC - June Bertau -Hommlet 576cy
NPC - June Bertau -Hommlet 576cy
June Bertau's family are recent arrivals in Hommlet having only lived and farmed in the village for thirty years aftr leaving Furyondy under mysterious circumstances. Added to that the family are staunch Cuthberites keeps them a little apart from the bulk of the families who have lived here since Vecna was in knee-pants. Of course June was born and raised in the village and seemed destined to live her life as a villager.
When the Temple of Elemental Evil began to rise in power again several bands of adventurers made there way through the village and June fell in love. Whether Leandro of Perrinland, an adventurer, ever meant to return and marry June as he'd promised proved a moot point as he was lost during the breaking of the Temple, his body never recovered.
June could not accept this, though her parents were secretly glad, at first. Their daughter, never religeous before, prayed to the Saint constantly, and then to her parents dismay, joined the Order of Saint Cuthbert.
Now, in 579cy, she is a young, but fiery cleric of the Saint. She seeks out evil to destroy and hates anything to do with Elemental Evil or the old temple with a passion.
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