Friday, March 30, 2018
NPC - Lyosha the Blade
Lyosha is a mercenary warrior and oftentimes bandit who has made his way down to the City of Greyhawk from his native Stonefist. He always said he is a descendent of the terrible tyrant Vlek, but since Vlek is said to have had over 600 children most Stonefisters can honestly say that Vlek is an ancester.
He is skilled at two weapon fighting and has come across several enchanted blades. He is best known for his singular magical item, the cod-piece of gonad protection.
Castle Zagyg Ad From Crusader #2 Vol 2
Thursday, March 29, 2018
NPC - CSIO - Karugy One-Eye - Barter Street - Boot & Strap
Karugy One-Eye is notroious as a cobbler, often called 'The Bootmaster'.His shop specialize in boots for the big and nasty and as a Half-Ogre with an Ogress wife, Karugy is a customer for big boots himself. All the larger inhabitants of the city-state patronize his shop, but there is a steady flow of normal and smaller size customers, mainly thieves. Karugy is a fence and specializes in the buying and shipping of items small enough to be hidden in one of hs boots.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
NPC - Zsolt and Kata
One of the many calamities of the giant invasion of Geoff was a plague of undead that swept across the unoccuppied lands. It is believed that so may unburied and unconsecrated dead were the cause but some adventurers blame an ancient Suel tomb that had been discovered during the occupation and awakened by rebels attempting to use it as a base.
The ranger-maid Kata and the wild barbarian Zsolt, both natives of Bissel, are said to have found the Suel tomb and ended the incursion of undead but this isanother legend of those years.
NPC - Red Lion of Furyondy
The Red Lion is a knight of Furyondy, a powerful warrior with a following of a hundred-men-at-arms, several squires, a band of archer/rangers and a train of waggoneers with supplies. He is a small army unto himself and said to be only andwerable to the king.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
White Dwarf #180 Cover Art By Gerry Grace
Sunday, March 25, 2018
NPC - CSIO - Rizome the Barkeep - Barter Street - The Balor's Eye
Rizome is an Ex-Adventurer who was a henchmen of Bibulis 'bck in the day'. While a skilled fighter he began life carrying a torch and lugging packs on his back. He managed to survive and became quite skilled with the sword and thrown hand axe. He performs an act with some of the braver dancing girls tossing axes at them, cutting hair from wigs they wear while spinning on sideways wheel, having the heads of flowers shaved off as they hold them in their mouth, and such like.
He is not a tall man but very broad like a dwarf but human-sized. If there is trouble he acts as a bouncer for the bar, though there are six regular brusers on hand at all times hired by Bibulis for just such pccasions.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
NPC - Aspect of Iuz
Upon his release from the imprisonment of Zagig a vast vision of Iuz as the great king appeared above his northern lands. It is in this form that he is often seen upon his throne.
Friday, March 23, 2018
NPC - Master, Journeyman Apprentice
The magician Muddock his journeyman Grigg and the apprentice Froggly. Muddock in his youth served as a naval wizard upon the Nyr Dyv but never had a liking for it. When he set off on his own he avoided the water and eventually settled near Verbobonc and the northern spur of the Gnarley Forest.
NPC - Hugo Claydog of Hommlet
Hugo is a newcommer to Hommlet. He, like many others, came to work on the rising tower and castle and stayed as after roving his worth. He works as a hunter and forester and spends little time in Hommlet itself. He is actually a ranger of some skill and serves the druid and the Old Faith. He is likely to be recommended as a guide to any adventurers new to the area.
White Dwarf #40 Cover Art By Emmanuel
Thursday, March 22, 2018
NPC - CSIO Vederburn the Minstrel - Barter Street - The Balor's Eye
Vederburn is a young but talented minstrel. He is infatuated with Eudeina who is secretly pleased with the attention but outworldly scowls and berates the young man. He plays a lute primarily but is skilled in several instruments. He isnt employed by Bibulis but makes a good deal in tips from the patrons and plays between the grander performances of the dancing girls.
He has an adventurous nature and will gladly join any party that seems competent and appears to have a fair chance of success.
NPC - Azagba - Warrior Chief of the Hepmonland Forest Hunter Tribe
Azagba leads several allied tribes of Hepmonland natives. His weapons and armor are enchanted by tribal shamans or relics passed down from his forefathers. His people are along the northern coast and have the greatest contact with people from thre Flanaess.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Citadel Journal #50 Cover Art and Best of 1-42 List
NPC - CSIO - Grunting Eudeina the Bellydancer - Barter Street - The Balor's Eye
Eudeina is the head dancer at the Balor's Eye. Still beautiful and amazingly fit, she is approaching middle-age and does more work training the 36 women who make up the vast number of dancers than actual dancing anymore. Her hair is cut very short, and is black going slightly grey but she wears any of a number of wigs when she is outin public or dancing. She is called 'Grunting Eudeina' by her girls and pretends not to know.
Eudeina is actually a skilled fighter/thief and she trains her girls in this dual discipline as well as dancing. Crusty Babulis skims a small percent from the girls thieving but it is Eueina who is actually the guild master. She pays a tithe to the official Thieves Guild os the City State, but her operation is sanctioned and she is under the overall protection of the more formal and much larger Thieves Guild.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Warhammer Quest Ad From Old White Dwarf
Great game. This looks to be just about everything except for the treasurer card packs, the three issues of the short-lived magazine and the articles from White Dwarf.
NPC - CSIO Crusty Bibulis - Barter Street - The Balor's Eye
Crusty Bibulis is the proprietor of The Balor's Eye a gaming establishment and restaurant of minor repute. Besides good and slightly exotic food and generally honest gaming tables the Balor's Eye is known for its large review of bellydancers (36 at last count). The dancing girls are partcular hobby of Bibulis.
He is a tall middle-aged human, slightly on the thin side. He is a mage and had an adventuring past which is how he had the funds to establish the Balor's Eye. He tends todress in blue and wears a blue cloak of protection at all times and keeps a wand of fireballs handy just in case.
NPC - Baron Ambrus of Blackmoor and his Half-Shedu Mount Gyozo
The nyaterious land of Blackmoor is in no way made less so by the appearance of Baron Ambrus flying near the southrn borders upon his mount Gyozo, a half-Shedu (some say half Manticore). The pair are accompanied by a half-dozen giardsmen on Gryphons and often stop to converse with merchant men and travellers who make the long trip to the forbidding northern land.
Monday, March 19, 2018
NPC - Albrecht the Bearded and his Imp Familiar Xertur
Albrecht,seen here casting a minor spell to protect himself from incoming missles, was an adventurer of some repute from the County of Sunndi, but suffered a complete personality change as the sole survivor to an expedition to the Vast Swamp.
After disappearing for a nuber of years he was reported as having established a small stronghold amid the Orc tribes of the Pomarj accompanied now by an Imp familiar named Xertur of unsavory repute.
Gygax's Dangerous Dimensions Ad from Dragon
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Adventure - A Knife In The Dark
The mists rise each night upon the streets of Greyhawk. From the docks and the Selintan, from the surrounding swamps where the Ery appears from beneath the Cairn Hills, from the steaming sewers and grates where the refuse both living and dead flow beneath the streets, the mists rise. With the mists comes death, death in the form of The Knife, the killer who takes eyes and hearts and souls, who paints the streets and alleys with blood and cannot be caught.
The Knife haunts Old Town. The bodies he leaves behind are truly lifeless and souless. No priestly spells, no magic, no divination can pierce the mists and the cloud that hides the killer.
Monster - Skeletal Man
A necromancer animates a skeleton from a rotting corpse. The magical power which creates an animated skeleton will strip the flesh from the bones as it knits them together in unseen tendons and muscle, Here is an example of a body in the process of animation. A gruesome spectacle.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
NPC - Bhionn the Half-Drow
During the giant's invasion of Geoff it was found that the Drow were actually the masterminds behind the attacks. Many slaves were taken to the underoerth to serve the Drow and Bhionn's mother was one such captive. A Drow matron raised several of the resulting half-breeds and Bhionn became a sorceress in the service of Elemntal Evil in opposition to Lolth. She has no difficulty with sunlight though her unnaturally pale flesh shows the heritage of her Drow father.
NPC - Agis-Snel the Sage
Soothsayers are easy to find but an honest and trustworthy Sage of experience and ability is a rare treasure. As Agis-Snel says, "A good Sage is not cheap and a cheap Sage is not good. Agis is very good indeed and very expensive. He also keeps secrets at no extra charge.
Snel was born in Verbobonc but apprenticed to a Scholar in the City of Greyhawk. It was there amid the ancient tomes and current bustle of the city that he learned his craft and gained his reputation. An older man now, he has returned to Verbobonc and practices a limited consultation for high fees, but is said to bbe worth every copper he charges by his sueviving customers.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Gygax's Roleplaying Mastery Ad From Dragon
NPC - The God-Queen Neferu of Zeif
Before the Rain of Colorless Fire and the Invoked Devestation laid waste to the Suel and the Baklunish, there was a mighty dynasty in the west The ruling families were of great power and were worshipped as Gods but they were a divided lot and warred upon each other as the warred upon their chief rival the Suel Imperium. One of the lesser members of this dynastic family was Neferu. Her father ruled over the province of Zeif while she reined as the queen of air and fire in the great temple. The Invoked Devastation buried temple and turned the green land around it to Djinn cursed sand. Only recently have the doors to the inner chamber been found and opened and it is said Neferu walks again, much to the concern of Zeif's Sultan.
Sentinels of Bitterness
In the depths of the Suss forest are the overgrown and weed choked ruins of a Suloise city lost but not entirely forgotten. The foundations of that city are not Suel but Olven. The Suel, merciless conquerors destroyed the Olven city, old beyond the reckoning of human years, and built their own city on top of it, but the protectors of the elves lived on even in death and death is what they brought to the Suel.
The Sentinels still roam the ruins and encountering one of these fearful guardians does not end well for most explorers,
Thursday, March 15, 2018
NPC - Ringfinger the Mage
Ringfinger has taken enough lip from this magic mouth.
His family were mild nobility from Rel Astra but fled to the Grandwood Forest and he was raised among the Freefolk. From childhood his life was one of adventure, He became apprentice to a mage known for the crafting of minor items of magical power and spent years assisting in the enchantment of rings. He wears three enchanted rings upon each finger, each balanced in their magick to not interfere with the power of each other. As Ringfingers own power grew so did the enchantments he cast upon the rings he crafted. One allows him to fall as a feather, another to disintegrate matter, another to send a bolt of lightning, another to render himself invisible should the need arise. It is said he has crafted rings for all the spells he has learned but only he knows if that is true.
NPC - Hinchcliffe the Wizard
Hinchcliffe has always had a thing for hats but very poor taste. He was a promising student of the Grey College in the City of Greyhawk and chose the life of an adventurer rather than as an academic. he and his companions were monstrously successful in their adventures and Hinchcliffe retired to a ruined tower in the foothills of the Griff mountains to pursue experiments in the creation of monsters and creatures of the flesh. He is best known for his Ram-Men that have helped him carve out a smal domain among the monstrous north of that region though the location of his tower and the ever growing dungeons beneath is known only to a few.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Monster - Hinchcliffe's Band - Ram-Man
The wizard Hunchcliffe is a proud alumni of the Grey College and an experimentor in mutations. The Ram-Man were his most successful experiments. These 3hd monsters are as intelligent as most peasants but more tractable. They disdain armor (mainly because Hinchcliffe hasn't bought them any and favor shields. Their flesh is tough and resiliant giving them a natural AC6 with shield it is AC5. Thery have a 50% resistance to magic and are immune to charm and mind control, Hinchcliffe has armed them with axes, morningstars and spears (which they throw fairly well). The are voracious eaters. So far they have all proven sterile and are only produced in the flesh-vats beneath the hidden hill Hinchcliffe calls home.
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