Monday, November 4, 2019

Project - Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - The Fire Stag

Project - Demons and Devils of the Flanaess - The Fire Stag

One of the summonings of the Hierarchs of the Horned Society that has broken free of their control and gone astray is the Great Fire Stag now haunting the Fellreev Forest. The beast is gigantic, a towers image of a stag composed of deeply burninbg flame without apparent source. Strangely the creature seems to give off no heat and the flames do not burn.

Weapons and spells appear to pass through the creature and do it no harm, but the horns pierce and the hooves crush those beneath them. It can shove aside trees as it passes. It consumes vegitation and can bite a person in half as easdily as it comsumes a plant or strip a tree limb bare of leaves,

It does not appear to have a desire to go beyond the confines of the Fellreev but will kill anyone it comes across. 

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