Saturday, January 4, 2020

Historical - Battles of Greyhawk

Battles of Greyhawk

Inspired by an old post of  Mortellan's I culled all the references to Battles and Wars which I'd collected in my Encyclopedia Greyhawkania Index (last updated in 2003)

Almorian Campaign [BTL]
LGG - 124

Bad Deep [BTL]
FTAC - 43,47
LGJ#4 - 28
SLV - 17
TAB - 8

Baklunish-Suloise War [BTL]
FTAA - 3
GA - 102
LGG - 32,110,154
LGJ#5 - 20
PGTG - 9
TAB - 14
WGG - 5
WG8 - 25,105
WGR4 - 3
WOGA - 8,9

Battle Beneath The Waves [BTL]
LGG - 138
LGJ#5 - 17,21

Battle of a Fortnights Length [BTL]
LGG - 14,23,77,110,112,185
LGJ#3 - 9
TAB - 57
WGG - 5
WOGA - 8,9

Battle of a Thousand Banners [BTL]
DRG#297 - 93
DRG#302 - 98
LGG - 57,77
LOG - 8,10,17,33,34,74,92,97,112
WGG - 13
WOGA - 30

Battle of Bloody Ridge [BTL]
LGJ#5 - 28

Battle of Bloody Tears [BTL]
TSB - 44

Battle of Elredd
SEE Elredd, Battle of

Battle of Emridy Meadows [BTL]
SEE Emridy Meadows, Battle of

Battle of Jetsom Island [BTL]
SEE Jetsom Island, Battle of

Battle of Lost Hope [BTL]
WGR2 - 51

Battle of Opicm River {Battle of the Opicm River}[BTL]
WGG - 14
WOGA - 33

Battle of the Great Gate [BTL]
DG - 79,83

Battle of the Shamblefield [BTL]
SEE Shamblefield, Battle of the

Blackwater Bend, Battle of (Black Water)[BTL]
DRG#56 - 19
LGG - 134

Blazebane, Battle of [BTL]

Blood War [BTL]
RTO8 - 10,56
WGR5 - 16,91,92

Brewfest Rebellion [CAL][BTL]
DRG#293 - 93
DRG#299 - 99,100
DRG#302 - 99
LOG - 21,25,26,32,34,40,45,58,59,63,65,68,69,77,88,107
ONW1-01 - 2

Cairn Hills, Great Barrows [BTL]
TAB:AM - 4,12

Celene Pass, Battle of [BTL]
FTAA - 76
FTAC - 77,87
GW:ADV - 18

Ceshra, Purge of [BTL]
LGJ#5 - 21

Chokestone, Battle of [BTL]

Critwall Bridge, Battle of [BTL]
FTAA - 6
GW:ADV - 10
LGJ#0 - 6

Crockport, Battle of [BTL]
FTAC - 71

Csipros Erd (Geysers of Death)[BTL]
GA - 3,97,98

Duxchan Wars [BTL]
LGG - 74

Eight-House War [BTL]
DRG#241 - 47

Elredd, Battle of [BTL]
SLV - 122

Emridy Meadows, Battle of [BTL]
ATG - 80
DRG#268 - 71
LGG - 15,132
LGJ#0 - 5
RT1-4 - 5,7,13,120
WGG - 5,6
WOGA - 9,11

Ettins Mound [BTL]
DRG#208 - 48,52

Gahrus Folly [BTL]
DRG#63 - 17

Ganode Bay, Battle of [BTL]
LGG - 71

Goblin War [BTL]
DRG#253 - 45

Golden League, War of the [BTL]
DRG#302 - 99
LGG - 148,149
LOG - 11,95

Gorna, Battle of [BTL]
LGG - 48,146
LGJ#1 - 14
LGJ#3 - 25
LGJ#4 - 29

Grabford, Battle of [BTL]
LGG - 47

Great Almorian Raid [BTL]
GW:ADV - 19

Great Barrows, The [BTL]
DRG#195 - 95
FTAC - 29
TAB - 8
TAB:AM - 4

Great Northern Crusade [BTL]
LGG - 16,46,47,59,61,62,103,105,130,132,158
LGJ#1 - 29,30
PGTG - 12,27
SLV - 41,105
TAB - 20,21,23,36,83,89,109,110,117,119,122

Great War [BTL]
TSB - 2

Greyhawk Wars [BTL]
ATG - 63
DRG#195 - 94,96
DRG#204 - 53
DRG#206 - 35
DRG#225 - 50,52
DRG#230 - 8
DRG#233 - 92
DRG#241 - 44,76,80
DRG#245 - 73
DRG#256 - 51
DRG#262 - 38
DRG#263 - 47,49
DRG#268 - 70
DRG#269 - 65
DRG#270 - 60,76
DRG#281 - 39
DRG#291 - 95
DRG#293 - 92,93,94
DRG#294 - 93,95
DRG#297 - 92
DRG#298 - 84,86
DRG#300 - 89,92
DRG#301 - 89
DRG#302 - 99
DRG#AN3 - 21,22
DRG#AN4 - 20
DUN#41 - 46
DUN#53 - 35
DUN#73 - 58
FAT - 3,7
FTAA - 2,6,9,17,19,20,25,27,28,33,35-44,46,47,50,
FTAC - 3-5,8,9,11,13,17,40,41,47,49
LGG - 15,24,25,29,30,35,40,42,44,46,47,52,53,55,58,59
LGJ#0 - 6,7,8,9,10,11,12
LGJ#1 - 14,17,26,28,30
LGJ#2 - 8,29
LGJ#3 - 27,30
LGJ#4 - 4,9,29,31
LGJ#5 - 29
LOG - Dis,6,8,12,15,29,30,33,34,35,36,37,38,44,55,56,62,64
ONW1-01 - 13
ONW1-02 - 6,11
ONW1-03 - 4
PGTG - 4-6,10-12,16,21,23-28,30,38,48,55
POLY#129 - 39
RTO8 - 2,3,20,47,58,59
SLV - 6,32,38,48,61,79,105,120,122
TAB - 1-6,8,15,17,19,25,27-31,33,38,40,43,47,54,62
TD - 16
TSB - 5,12,17,34,83
WGM1 - 2,24
WGR4 - 2,9,10,58,90
WGR5 - 2,6,7,42,66,76,96
WGR6 - 10,62

Hateful Wars [BTL]
DRG#167 - 11
DRG#262 - 38
FTAA - 40,41,56,58
GA - 101
GW:ADV - 15
LGG - 40,66,88,117,118,121,146
LGJ#1 - 26
LOG - 11
SLV - 89,99,120,121
TAB - 19,59,60,69,119
WG8 - 25
WGG - 14
WGQ1 - 2,10,12
WOGA - 31

Hilly Pastures [PLC][BTL]
WGG - 14
WOGA - 32

Invoked Devastation [BTL]
AOE - 83
C2 - 2
DMG1 - 156
DRG#225 - 49,50
DRG#263 - 48
DRG#294 - 92
DRG#299 - 101
FTAA - 3,25,44,61,62,66
FTAC - 29
GA - 89,98,99
LGG - 3,5,9,13,68,83,94,122,136,154,155,165
LGJ#5 - 17,20
MMII - 75
PGTG - 9,14,36
SOD - 152
SOOC - 71
TSC - 38
WG8 - 25
WGA4 - 47,60
WGG - 5,9,21
WGR2 - 24
WGR5 - 63
WOGA - 8,9,21,60

Irongate, Siege of [BTL]
LOG - 8,17

Jetsom Island, Battle of [BTL]
FTAA - 36
LGG - 101
LGJ#4 - 17
WGG - 15
WOGA - 34

Karndreds Meadows [BTL]
WGR4 - 58

Loftwood, Battle of [BTL]
DRG#57 - 15

Medegia, Battle of [BTL]
LGG - 71,100
WGG - 12
WOGA - 28,32

Merchants War [BTL]
LGJ#5 - 21

Opicum River {Opicm}, Battle of [BTL]
LGG - 95,151

Orcslayer Battlefield (Safeton)[BTL]
TAB:AM - 6

Padyr, Fields of [BTL]
TSB - 2

Plain of Spears [BTL]
LGJ#3 - 15
WGR3 - 28

Rain of Colorless Fire (Invisible Firestorm)[BTL]
C2 - 2
DRG#230 - 12,13,14,16
DRG#241 - 40,43,52,79,95
DRG#256 - 46,47
DRG#263 - 48,51
DRG#294 - 92
DUN#70 - 76
DUN#77 - 55
FTAA - 3,62
GA - 90
LGG - 5,8,12-14,54,64,68,94,142,155,162,187
LGJ#4 - 8,12,16
LOG - 41,57
PGTG - 7,9,14,15,36,37
POLY#101 - 31
SOD - 129,132,224,234,239
TAB - 55
TD - 33
TSB - 2,3,12,15,36,47,63,76
TSC - 38
WG8 - 105
WGG - 5,8
WGR2 - 24
WOGA - 8,9,16
WOGG - 27

Red Gnoll Clashes [BTL]
DRG#291 - 95

Redspan, Battle of [BTL]
LGG - 113

Riechsvale, Battle of [BTL]
WGQ1 - 12

Rieuwood, Battle of [BTL]
GW:ADV - 14

Safeton, Battle of [BTL]
TAB - 82

Sand Battle [BTL]
LGJ#5 - 21

Shamblefield, Battle of (Caldni Virs Charge)[BTL]
DRG#290 - 100
DRG#293 -
LGG - 36
WGG - 9,10
WOGA - 20,21

Slaughter of the Sea People [BTL]
LGJ#5 - 21

Small War (Short War)[BTL]
FTAA - 4,26,29,43
LGG - 32,48,50,65,130,132
LGJ#1 - 16,19
WGG - 9,10,12,18
WGR4 - 3,10
WOGA - 19,23,27,41

Steelbone Meadows [PLC][BTL]
DRG#AN4 - 21
LGG - 25,26,27,30,31
WGR5 - 48,49,59

Stornawane [CTL][BTL][TWN]
WGR5 - 66

Tolran Hill, Battle for [BTL]
WGR5 - 67

Tremnos, Battle of [BTL]
WGR2 - 24

Troll War [BTL]
N1 - 6

Turmoil Between Crowns [BTL]
DRG#302 - 98
GA - 95
GW:ADV - 4
LGG - 13,24,36,56,71,77,80,90,92,93
LOG - 8,35
PGTG - 10
SLV - 32
TAB - 12,18,102
WGG - 5,6
WOGA - 9,10

Twin Cataclysms [BTL]
DRG#293 - 90
DRG#294 - 92
LGG - 8,13,22,98,110,125,129,135
LGJ#1 - 8,11,15,23
LGJ#3 - 15
LGJ#4 - 11
LOG - 8,39,40
TSB - 63
SEE ALSO Invoked Devastation
SEE ALSO Rain of Colorless Fire

Uniting War [BTL]
DRG#241 - 42
DRG#298 - 79
TD - 2,31,33
WGA3 - 60

War Against The Imperial Pretenders [BTL]
LGJ#5 - 13

Westkeep, Siege of [BTL]
LGG - 65,101
LGJ#1 - 14,16,18
WGG - 12
WOGA - 28

Zirat, Siege of [BTL]
LGJ#5 - 21

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