Hall of the Mountain King

Thursday, June 25, 2020
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - The Crowned Beast of Stone
Backmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - The Crowned Beast of Stone
The Crowned Beast of Stone
At south-east of the Burneal Forest can be found a statue of some great beast crowned with a rusting ironband whose spiked ends, now snapped off into jagged spears, suggest gems or valuable crystals once ran astride the crown. The weed-choked creature now stares forlornly into the stream which begins life as spring whose waters pour from its open mouth and which rushes by its front paws before disappearing in the thick forest and eventually emptying into the great swamp and mire of the Cold Marshes to the south.
Few know of this crowned beast of stone for its waters are sovereign and potent and the Sisterhood and centaur shaman strive to keep its existence and location a secret. To this end they have set traps and guards within the forest, druids charm creatures and enchant plants, illusionists hide the spring, centaurs set guards that neither sleep nor rest nor tell tales, as well as magicians and witches that cast dire spells to protect this source of so many of their potions, solutions and balms.
The power of these waters is quickly diluted after it spills from the mouth of the crowned beast but within certain distances the waters have differing effects. The water at the mouth of the statue pours forth a deadly acid on one side and a supremely potent base from the other. As the water touches the earth it becomes useful for all manner of transmutation elixirs but a dozen feet further and it is sovereign remedy for curses and a foundation for healing potions, a dozen feet further on it is useful for charms and enchantments, till it covers the entire gamut of the alchemist's trade. The area where these liquid components can be gathered is not truly large and the waters quickly become no more than any other forest stream and no more useful. Within this area the Sisterhood and shaman have set their guards, wards and enchantments. Beyond this area a steady patrol of foresters, rangers, and centaurs patrol the forest and roads leading to it. Only those accompanied by those of the Sisterhood or the tribal shamans of the centaurs can pass these, and then only with certain badges, tokens and finally enchantments if they are to proceed to the innermost sanctum of the forest. But all this protection has brought inquiring eyes down upon that which they would seek to remain hidden and differing powers within and without the land of Blackmoor seek to find out what is being so lavishly protected.
In singles, pairs and groups both spies and adventurers are being hired to seek out whatever is hidden within the depths of the cold northern forest. To date none have returned and only the fact that something valuable enough to warrant such costly measures as guards and enchantments drives the search for this unknown treasure forward.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
NPC - Redface - Chieftain Scalded Hand Orcs - Spinecastle
NPC - Redface - Chieftain Scalded Hand Orcs - Spinecastle
The Scalded Hand orcs refuse to live inside the walls of Spinecastle and instead have a permanent camp on the Parlous Plain. They are perhaps the most dangerous of the humanoid forces on the Plain but camp toward its edge near a large barrow formed from a charnel pit used to bury Fruztii dead from the old Battle of Shamblefield.
The orcs have dug into this barrow, which now houses a temple to Gruumsh, and the bones have been used to frame the tent-dwellings of the Scalded Hand. Only around 400 orcs dwell here, but that number changes continually as the Scalded Hand uses Spinecastle as a gathering places for their allied tribes to meet and plan before launching raids and attacks on humans, demi-humans and humanoids alike.
They only go into Spinecastle to sell loot or visit the Pit, which is immensely popular and look down their noses at the Bloody Eye orcs who they feel have been tainted by the human city.
Redface is an old Orc and participated in the Siege of Spinecastle. He shares the views of the Black Moon gnoll elders and would like to raze the city and finish the slaughter but is not in alliance with the gnolls.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
City - Verbobonc City Gates
City - Verbobonc City Gates
The city of Verbobonc has a well-maintained city wall with professional guardsmen who watch and patrol its length, but the city has not been attacked in a very long time and some laxity has crept into the prime realestate outside of the walls. In the city's recent history no giants, dragons, elementals or powerful spell-casters have attacked, nor the most recent developments in siege machinery been brought against them. The single wall is strong and well constructed, generally 40 feet high to its walkway with another 10 feet of merlons alternating with spaces for archers to fire at any attackers. No pit or moat helps to protect the wall.
The city gates are constructed as small fortifications.
Each gateway possess an inner and outer set of large and thick doorways separated by a 60 foot passageway whose roof is lined with murder holes where tar or burning oil can be poured down from specially constructed guard rooms above. A set of portcullis' can split the passage and two others can bar the front and inner gates from direct attack.
Inside these gate fortifications is a 30 guard garrison who are responsible for wall patrols as well as watching over the gateways. At dark the gates are shut and opened only upon orders or at first light.
The city collects a small toll at these gates for incoming non-residents and all merchandise. All weapons are peace-bonded except for daggers. Flags atop the gate-house signal any trouble and can draw a quick reaction force of cavalry who are stabled near to each gate house.
Monday, June 1, 2020
The Ruined Tower of Zenopus Index
The Ruined Tower of Zenopus Index
Acolyte [CLS]
Adventurer [CLS]
4, 6, 13
Alchemist [CLS]
Amev (Merchant) [NPC]
Anders [NPC]
Ape [MON]
Arcane Lock [SPL]
5, 6
Azure Sea [RVR]
Bandit [CLS]
4, 8, 13, 14
Bed [ITM]
Belt [ITM]
Belt, Jeweled [ITM]
Bench [ITM]
Bless [SPL]
Bone [ITM]
Book [ITM]
Bottle [ITM]
4, 13
Brazen Head of Zenopus, The (Mask)[ITM]
7, 16
Bruno the Battler [NPC]
Cage, Iron [ITM]
10, 12
Caravan [ORG]
3, 13, 14
Catacomb [PLC]
Cave [PLC]
7, 8
Cave, Sea [PLC]
3, 12, 13
Cemetary [PLC]
3, 9, 15
Centipede, Giant [MON]
Chair [ITM]
Charm Person [SPL]
Chemicals [ITM]
Chest [ITM]
5, 7, 8
Clarissa [NPC]
Cleaning Cube [MON]
4, 6
Cliff, Sea [MT]
3, 11, 13
Cloak [ITM]
Coffin [ITM]
9, 13, 15
Common [LNG]
6, 7
Coronet [ITM]
Crab, Giant [MON]
Crab, Monstrous Sand [MON]
8, 12
Crate [ITM]
Cultist [CLS]
4, 9, 12, 15
Cutlass [ITM]
Dagger [ITM]
6, 8
Dagger +1 [ITM]
Dagger, Flying [ITM]
Dagger, Silver [ITM]
Desk [ITM]
Drego the Thief [NPC]
Dungeon [PLC]
4, 5
Earring [ITM]
Eliander Fireborn [NPC]
Ethbran (Sage) [NPC]
Fisher [CLS]
Foxfire [ITM]
Gas, Noxious [ITM]
Gas, Sleep [ITM]
Gellan Primewater [NPC]
Gem [ITM]
4, 9
Ghoul [MON]
3, 4, 9, 12, 15
Goblin [LNG]
Goblin [MON]
4, 5, 12, 14, 16, 17
Gozef [NPC]
Graveyard [PLC]
Green Dragon Inn (Portown) [INN]
3, 13, 16
Guard [CLS]
13, 14
Harbor [PLC]
3, 13
Haunted House (Saltmarsh) [PLC]
Hill [MT]
Holy Water [ITM]
Hoolwatch Tower [CTL]
Idol [ITM]
Jeweler [CLS]
Keledek [NPC]
12, 16, 17
Key [ITM]
Knock [SPL]
4, 5, 16
Kraddock [NPC]
Lamp [ITM]
Lemund (Lord) [NPC]
Lemunda [NPC]
8, 12, 13, 17
Levitate [SPL]
Light [SPL]
Longsword, Verminslayer [ITM]
Mage Hand [SPL]
Magic Missile [SPL]
Magician [CLS]
Malchor the Magic-User [NPC]
Man-at-Arms [CLS]
13, 14
Mask, Silver Skull [ITM]
4, 9
Merchant [CLS]
Mogo the Mighty [NPC]
13, 14
Necklace [ITM]
Necklace, Jeweled [ITM]
Northern Sea [RVR]
Octopus, Giant [MON]
8, 12
Otis [NPC]
Paper [ITM]
Pearl [ITM]
Pendant, Silver (With Red Garnet) [ITM]
4, 10
Pirate [CLS]
3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17
Portown [TWN]
3, 6, 9-13, 16
Potion of Growth [ITM]
Potion of Vitality [ITM]
Priest [CLS]
Rat, Giant [MON]
4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12
Rat, Monstrous [MON]
4, 10
Ring [ITM]
4, 9
Ring ( Green metal - oxidized copper)(Z) [ITM]
River [RVR]
7, 8
Robe, Purple [ITM]
4, 9
Rowboat [SHIP]
Rum, Spiced [ITM]
Sack [ITM]
Saltmarsh [TWN]
16, 17
Sarcophagi [ITM]
Scarlet Brotherhood [ORG]
Scimitar [ITM]
Scroll (Levitation) [ITM]
Scroll (Stone to Flesh) [ITM]
Scroll, Spell [ITM]
Sea Princes [PPL]
Seaton [TWN]
Ship, Merchant [SHIP]
3, 13, 14
Shocking Grasp [SPL]
Skeleton [MON]
4, 5, 9
Skeren Wavechaser [NPC]
Smuggler [CLS]
4, 6, 8, 12, 17
Snake, Giant Constrictor [MON]
10, 12
Spear [ITM]
Spider, Giant [MON]
7, 12
Spider, Giant Wolf [MON]
Statue [ITM]
5, 6
Stirge [MON]
Sundial [ITM]
Swift Merman (Merchant Ship) [SHIP]
Sword [ITM]
Sword, Flying [ITM]
Table [ITM]
5, 10
Thak (Ape) [NPC]
Thaumaturgist [CLS]
3, 6, 10-12, 14, 17
Thaumaturgist's Tower (Portown)[PLC]
3, 10
Thieve's Tolls [ITM]
Townsfolk [CLS]
Trade Route [STR]
Wand of Petrification [ITM]
6, 12
Wand of Petrification, Lesser [ITM]
10, 11
Warehouse [PLC]
3, 13
Web [SPL]
6, 11
Whiskey [ITM]
Wicker Goat (Saltmarsh) [INN]
Wizard [CLS]
6, 7, 11-13
Workbench [ITM]
Zadok [NPC]
Zenopus [NPC]
2, 4-7, 11-13, 16
Zenopus Tower Ruins [CTL]
Zivmal (Imp) [NPC]
Zombie [MON]
Friday, May 29, 2020
NPC - Huntmaster - Leader Howling Night Flinds - Spinecastle
NPC - Huntmaster - Leader Howling Night Flinds - Spinecastle
Two hundred flinds. Anywhere but Spinecastle that might be a number to strike horror into the hearts of their enemies, but Spinecastle is a nexus of horror, a metropolis of evil, and the heart of a growing kingdom of humanoids not seen since the days of the Suel Imperium.
That these flinds should be the driving hand behind a force of over a thousand gnolls should come as no surprise. To most outsiders, human, demi-huuman, or humanoid these flinds are lost among the Black Moon gnolls, though to other gnolls flinds stand out larger, stronger, statelier, with a commanding bearing.
Huntmaster is larger and stronger than most flinds, instantly vicious with a consuming rage only his titanic will can keep in check. He is unfortunately not the smartest of flinds, and many of his tribe think he has been among the gnolls too long, or worse, that he is a throwback to their gnollish heritage.
While he is not blamed for the gnolls loss of power after the famine of 576cy, that flind was deposed and eaten after the council of chiefs awarded leadership of Spinecastle back to the orcs, Huntmaster is near to losing control of the Howling Night. Under his leadership the gnolls have seen a faction of rebels appear in their ranks, the Young Blood gnolls, and they truly have only a small fraction of the aging warriors of the original Black Moon pack as loyal followers.
The grandiose and impractical plans to seize power from Bloody Eye orcs become more untenable every moon while the day approaches when either Huntmaster's fellow flinds will depose him or the Young Blood pack, with a growing network of allies, will seize control and devour Howling Night and Black Moon alike.
Monday, May 25, 2020
NPC - Oldbone - Chief Weeping Dark Goblins - Spinecastle
NPC - Oldbone - Chief Weeping Dark Goblins - Spinecastle
The 300 or so goblins of the Weeping Dark are a small fraction of the thousands used as sword-fodder during the taking of the city. Since that time many have left the city and many have been eaten by their larger and stronger monstrous allies.
Now they lair in the sewer system of the High Ward and act as servants to the Bloody Eye orcs. Oldbone was a goblin warrior when the city fell and now he is the oldest survivor of the vast clan of goblins who swarmed over the walls during the siege. His resentment of the gnolls and orcs knows no bounds and he is a willing ally of the hobgoblins who ruled the city during the first few years after its fall.
He is aware of the many factions within the city, including the Young Blood gnolls but unknown to any he is in touch with several large goblin clans who dwell beneath the Rakers and seeks to raise another vast goblin army to betray all his masters and allies.
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