Tuesday, January 21, 2020

NPC - Kekszem Wegwiur Pack-Leader

NPC - Kekszem Wegwiur Pack-Leader

The Wegwiur, or Wolf Nomad's as they are called, share their lives with their wolf companions so much so that the tribe and the pack are considered to be one. To kill a Wegwiur wolf is declare war upon all the tribes and is a fatal error made at times by foolish southerners come to trade with the nomads or attempting to cross the path of the tribes.

The wolf-packs of the Wegwiur or numerous, more so than the humans of the tribes, and each man and woman is companion to a pack rather than just an individual wolf. The pack-leader does hold a special place both with their human companion and the tribe as a whole.

Wegwiur wolves are larger and more intelligent than normal wolves. Since there are so many packs even within a small clan of tribesmen there are special ceremonial circumstances for the wolves to fight for pack dominance and leadership over other pack leaders. These fights are rarely to the death. 

The old or weak among the tribes both human and wolf will take the Ride North and a funeral feast will be given before they leave for the Land of Black Ice and whatever fate has in store for them never to rejoin the living tribe of  Wegwiur or likely be seen or heard from again.

Kekszem is a young wolf of extraordinary intelligence. He is a large wolf even for the Wegwiur and has faced all challenges to become the Voice of Wolves or pack-leader of pack-leaders at the council of Voices where the tribal leaders meet. His companion is a young warrior, a ranger, but is not on the council. The Wegwiur possess talismans that the wolf pack-leaders wear allowing limited communication with their human brethren.

Kekszem is known for being both wise and cautious with a certain crafty ingenuity much admired by tribal leaders and both respected and feared by other pack-leaders.

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