Saturday, January 4, 2020

Historical - Ekbir Rulers Timeline

Ekbir Rulers Timeline

Invoked Devastation
Captain Akamen of the Bakluni Coastal Fleet sales his three damaged ships into the fishing village of Ekbir and takes command of the surviving Bakluni naval forces.

Captain Akamen takes command of surviving members of the Northern Bakluni Boarderers and constructs the first expansion and defensive wall around Ekbir now grown to small city size do to influx of surviving garrisons and civilians.

Akamen declares himself Beyeg, (Governor) and Ekbir a province with the small city of Ekbir as its capitol.

The Cult of Istus becomes the strongest following in Ekbir. The High Prophetess of Istus declares the God-King dead and his line extinguished. Akamen is proclaimed Caliph of the Bakluni people. Around them the survivors of the Bakluni Cavalry forces refuse to acknowledge the upstart sailor as their leader and begin a nomadic existence following the cattle herds and hunting game.

Reign of Caliph Akamen begins.

Caliph Tezpez son of Akamen

Caliph Cyax great nephew of Tezpez

Caliph Atyx son of Cyax

Death of Atyx - God-King Rebellion Begins

Sazan declares himself God-King

Sazan assassinated
Pa'ak son of Sazan declares himself God-King

Azadash son of Pa'ak declared God-King

Zafur son of Azadash declared God-King

Harzim son of Zafur declared God-King

Harzim assassinated
Bazrim brother of Harzim, Son of Zafur declares himself God-King

Bazrim assassinated
Bazrim II son of Bazrim declares himself God-King

Bazrim III son of Bazrim II declared God-King

Bazrim III assassinated
Nazresh the Old son of Zafur declares himself God-King

Harzim II son of Naresh declared God-King

Harzim II assassinated 
The Year of Three Kings
Nazresh II son of Harzim II declares himself God-King
Nazresh II assassinated
Zafur II son of Harzim II declares himself God-King
Zafur II assassinated
Azadash son of Harzim II declares himself God-King

Azadash II assassinated
Zafur III son of Zafur II declares himself God-King

Zafur III assassinated
Bazrim IV son of Zafur II declares himself God-King

Azdaga son of Zafur II declares himself God-King

Azdaga assassinated
Bazrim V son of Azdaga declared God-King

Azdaga II son of Bazrim V declared God-King

Harzim III son of Azdaga II declared God-King

Harzim III assassinated
Pezor son of Azdaga II declares himself God-King

Pezor killed in battle with Paynims
Belaz son of Azdaga II declared God-King

Belaz assassinated
Kezad son of Pezor declares himself God-King

Kezad exiled
Demez son Pezor declares himself God-King

Demez assassinated
Kezad son of Pezor returns from exile

Kozor son of Kezad declared God-King

Harzim IV son of Kozor declared God-King

Harzim IV assassinated
Kozor II son of Harzim IV declares himself God-King

Kozor II exiled
Bazrim VI formerly Guard-Protector Gaznap declares himself God-King

Bazrim VI assassinated
Kozor II returns from exile

Kozor II assassinated
Kezad II son of Kozor II declares himself God-King

Year of the Great Plague
Kezad II dies of plague

Merchant Prince Pezor rules Ekbir

Merchant  Prince Gazba son of Pezor

Merchant Prince Bezba son of Gazba

Merchant Prince Faruk the Great son of Bezba

Merchant Prince Debaz son of Faruk

Merchant Prince Faruk II son of Faruk

Merchant Prince Kurzed son of Debaz

Return of the Cult of Istus to power
Captain Cattab of the Ekbir Navy seizes power
High Prophtess of Istus declares Cattab as Caliph

Caliph Cattab killed in battle
Caliph Cattab II son of Cattab declared
Caliph Cattab II killed in battle
Caliph Avan nephew of Cattab declared

Caliph Avan killed in battle
Caliph Muzah distant cousin to Avan declared

Caliph Yaz son of Muzah declared

Caliph Yaz disappears
Caliph Muzah II son of Yaz declared

Caliph Muzah II disappears
Caliph Hazim cousin to Yaz declared

Caliph Hazim disappears
Caliph Mazim son of Hazim declared

Caliph Mazim disappears
Caliph Maliz son of Mazim declared

Caliph Valiz son of Maliz declared

War for the Caliphate begins
Caliph Valiz killed in battle
Caliph Salaz son of Maliz declares himself Caliph
Caliph Azmar son of Valiz declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Azmar killed in battle with Salaz
Caliph Yaz II son of Valiz declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Yaz II killed in battle with Salaz
Caliph Hezam son of Valiz declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Hezam killed in battle with Salaz
Caliph Valiz II son of Yaz II declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Valiz II killed in battle with Salaz
Caliph Yaz III son of Yaz II declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Yaz III killed in battle with Salaz
Caliph Azak son of Yaz II declared Caliph by Cult of Istus
Caliph Azak killed in battle with Salaz
Caliph Mazin II son of Yaz II declared Caliph by Cult of Istus
Caliph Mazin II killed in battle with Salaz
Captain Savah of Ekbir Navy kills Salaz
Caliph Savah declared Caliph by High Prophtess of Istus

Caliph Mazar brother of Savah declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Mazed son of Mazar declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Hazd son of Mazed declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Hazd disappears
Caliph Razd son of Mazed declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Azmin son of Razd declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Azmin assassinated
Caliph Mazun son of Razd declares himself Caliph
Cult of Istus forced into hiding

Caliph Mutaz son of Razd declares himself Caliph

Caliph Vazik son of Mutaz declares himself Caliph

Caliph Mutaz II son of Mutaz declares himself Caliph

Caliph Mutaz II murdered by Mutaz III
Caliph Mutaz III son of Mutaz II declares himself Caliph

Caliph Mutaz III murdered by Mutaz IV
Caliph Mutaz IV son of Mutaz II declares himself Caliph

Caliph Mutaz IV executed by order of Mutaz V
Caliph Mutaz V son of Mutaz II declares himself Caliph

Caliph Mutaz V executed by order of Mutaz VI
Caliph Mutaz VI son of Mutaz II declares himself Caliph

Caliph Mutaz VI executed by order of Mutaz VII
Caliph Mutaz VII son of Mutaz II declares himself Caliph

Caliph Mutaz VIII son of Mutaz VII declared Caliph

Caliph Mutaz IX son of Mutaz VIII declared Caliph

Caliph Mutaz X son of Mutaz VIII declared Caliph

Caliph Mutaz X exiled by Qariz 
Caliph Qariz son of Mutad VIII declares himself Caliph

Caliph Mutaz X returns from exile
Caliph Qariz exiled and blinded by Caliph Mutaz X

Caliph Mutaz XI son of Mutaz X declared Caliph

Caliph Mutaz XI exiled and blinded by Mutaz XII
Caliph Mutaz XII son of Mutaz XI declares himself Caliph

Mutaz XII exiled and blinded by Mutaz XIII
Mutaz XIII son of Mutaz XI declares himself Caliph

Cult of Istus comes out of hiding
Suv, champion of Istus, kills Mutaz XIII in battle
Caliph Suv declared Caliph by High Prophetess of Istus

Caliph Suv II grandson of Caliph Suv declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Suv II murdered by Av'Zes
Caliph Av'Zes nephew of Suv II declares himself Caliph
Cult of Istus driven into hiding

Atrex Champion of Istus kills Av'Zes
Cult of Istus comes out of hiding
Caliph Azek son of Atrex declared Caliph by High Prophetess of Istus

Caliph Atrax son of Azek declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

Caliph Xargun son of Atrax declared Caliph by Cult of Istus

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