Saturday, November 30, 2019

NPC - Bergljot Fireheart

NPC - Bergljot Fireheart

Red hair is seen most among the Cruski and redheads are said to be the most fearsome warriors. Bergljot is no exception. She is as tall as the tallest of the Cruski men and uncommonly strong. She is also a berserker, possessed of the sacred rage.

Her father is the outlaw captain Ragnar Wolfsbane though he never wed her mother and she is part of the Fireheart clan, her mother's people. She is called 'Bear' openly by those close to her and behind her back by those who have met her.

She wears little armor and her berserker nature helps protect her against most minor wounds and the great two-handed ax she wields   tends to keep most combatants beyond arms reach.

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