Wednesday, October 23, 2019

NPC - Eydis Paladin of Ve

NPC - Eydis Paladin of Ve

Ve is the patron god of the Schnai. His brothers Veli and Votan are respected as are the other gods and godesses in the pantheon of the Manskr (those people called Suel Babarians by outsiders). 

It is Ve who dispells the darkness and ends the long night. He who kindles the fire. His home is the sun and his armor is golden. Those who serve him, his priests and paladins wear enchanted discs of gold upon their armor granting the various protections.

Eydis is one of Ve's favored champions. She bears several disks of power and an enchantedswortd that burns with the fury of Ve. When she was a child she was given to the order of Ve and raised to be a wartrior-priest but so great was here strength and piety that she became one of Ve's holy champions.

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