Saturday, March 16, 2019

Night Below - The Evils of Verbobonc - Part 10 Random Encounters Part 9

Night Below - The Evils of Verbobonc - Part 10 Random Encounters Part 9

9. Verbobonc Lancer  Patrol

The party encounters a patrol of Verbobonc Lancers. Typically these patrols are of 20 or 30 riders with a serjeant and a corporal or two in the group. With the incursion of the Brokenjaw Wolfriders the Lancers are spread thin and are in bands of 10 or 12 with a single corporal or serjeant leading them.

The Lancers are an experienced group of fighters and rangers with an occasional druid amongst them. They average a little higher (levels 1-2 in 1e AD&D terms) than normal guardsmen and their corporals and serjeants run even higher (3-5) so they even 10 or 12 Lancers are formidable.

3 of the Lancers are wounded in this patrol of 12 and they have recently encountered a band of wolf-riders whose bodies are scattered in a field about half-a-mile distant. 

Corporal Bewes who leads this patrol will stop and inform the PCs that more wolf-riders are massing. If the players are mounted he suggests they accompany the patrol (which is headed in the opposite direction of where the Players are going). If the PCs have known to have aided Lancers or Verbobonc citizenry in the past and have no mounts Bewes will suggest they ride double with some of the Lancers. If the players wont turn back Bewes wishes then luck but says 'On your own head be it." before the patrol rides away.

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